The Lies and Hypocrisy From the Left in Song by Babylon Bee.

This is an unusual posting in the California Political News and Views.  Babylon Bee is both a satiric newsletter writing about the foibles of the Left, their hypocrisy and hate for America, freedom and life itself.

Dr. Richard Colman who writes for the California Political News and Views sent me a YouTube from Babylon Bee you have toi see.  It is about the California Dream turned into a Nightmare—to the tune of a Beach Boys tune.  You got to see this.  Pass it on to your friends.

Then we have another Babylon Bee tune, comparing the ZERO people killed on January 6 (unless you then count the unarmed women killed by the Capitol Police WITH NO INVESTIGATION) and the 22 people killed in the riots of the Summer of 2020.

The Lies and Hypocrisy From the Left in Song by Babylon Bee.