NBA Leadership IGNORANT—They Believe MEN Can Have Babies

It looks like the players are smarter than the professionals running the national Basketball Association.  The players apparently took biology classes in college—or just street smart.  They know that only women can have babies.

On the other hand, those MBA’s earned by the NBA Administrators, proves they never showed uop for class.  They seriously believe men can have babies—and to say otherwise is wrong.  Could it be they are not ignorant, just mentally ill?

The NBA’s Toronto Raptors found themselves in hot water after a team video celebrating Women’s History Month.

In the video, the team committed the grave woke sin of saying that only women can have babies.

Would you hire someone so ignorant or ill that believes men have babies?  Could you trust them with your store or company?

NBA Team Forced to Apologize for Sin of Suggesting Only Women Can Have Babies

By Margaret Flavin, The Gateway Pundit,  3/3/23     

The NBA’s Toronto Raptors found themselves in hot water after a team video celebrating Women’s History Month.

In the video, the team committed the grave woke sin of saying that only women can have babies.

The Women’s History Month video celebrates the theme of Beyonce’s “Girls Run the World” and asks players if they think that is true.  The players share, “Girls run the world because they are the only one that can procreate. They birth everybody.”

We are now in a society that is forcing people to apologize for a biological certainty.  And, in the ongoing efforts to cancel the uniqueness of womanhood, the radical left wants to co-opt one of the most beautiful, and exclusive,  gifts of a biological woman….bringing life into the world.

Although the original video has since been taken down by the Raptors, it can be seen here:

The woke cult was quick to share their horror at the audacity of science being shared to celebrate women.

The Raptors issued a statement following the woke uproar.  The Toronto Sun reports:

“We’re an organization that prides itself on doing the right thing when it comes to inclusion and representation, and we made a mistake.Our sincerest apologies to our players, our staff and our fans — we’ll work to do better today and every day after.”