A CBS News Report From Over 40 Years Ago Proves Global Warming Is the Ultimate Hoax

The biggest scam in the history of mankind started more than 40 years ago.  This scam has made multi-millions out of scammers like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg (the Jew hater—high school drop out) and caused tens of trillions to be spent on high energy costs, higher appliance costs and regulations that has tanked the California economy.

“Anyways, here’s a 1982 CBS News segment on the subject, where the godfather of fake news, Dan Rather, anchors the end times projections from these environmental clowns, who predicted that 25 percent of Florida would be underwater. Also, our agriculture centers would have to relocate to Canada. Look out for an appearance by a young Al Gore:

In 1975, Newsweek published an article about global cooling, in which re-glaciation was projected to hit the North American continent. Massive granaries were advised to be built since food shortages could be rampant. This event never happened. The same folks warned that the Arctic Ice Cap could melt by 2013. It didn’t.” 

Caught lying means nothing to these scammers.  The media will double day on the lies and denounce scientists who tell the truth.  The next time some idiots claims global warming is killing us, I will laugh in their face and ask when they are getting their next therapy session for delusions?

A CBS News Report From Over 40 Years Ago Proves Global Warming Is the Ultimate Hoax

Matt Vespa, Townhall,  5/28/24     https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/05/28/a-cbs-news-report-from-over-40-years-ago-proves-global-warming-is-the-ultimate-hoax-n2639588

As loyal Townhall readers, you already know about the media hysterics over global warming. Still, digging up old clips proving how wrong the experts were about this subject is constantly refreshing. Based on their timelines, we’re supposed to be dead. Based on their advice, the only way for us to survive is to be poorer and let more people from third-world nations die from preventable diseases. That’s the nasty undercurrent within the population control folks. If it’s not that, these so-called activists are obsessed with controlling the means of production in the industrialized world to save Mother Earth. It’s backdoor communism when you boil it all down. 

The green folks want us to sacrifice trillions in economic activity to save the planet. That’s the byproduct of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, which aims to ban the internal combustion engine. Anyways, here’s a 1982 CBS News segment on the subject, where the godfather of fake news, Dan Rather, anchors the end times projections from these environmental clowns, who predicted that 25 percent of Florida would be underwater. Also, our agriculture centers would have to relocate to Canada. Look out for an appearance by a young Al Gore:

In 1975, Newsweek published an article about global cooling, in which re-glaciation was projected to hit the North American continent. Massive granaries were advised to be built since food shortages could be rampant. This event never happened. The same folks warned that the Arctic Ice Cap could melt by 2013. It didn’t. 


So, when the same people warn about how we’re all going to die in 12 years, just replay this 1982 segment. They said that same nonsense over 40 years ago. None of it came true.

One thought on “A CBS News Report From Over 40 Years Ago Proves Global Warming Is the Ultimate Hoax

  1. Al Bore, a political POS has been a phony and a coddled son of a pathetically racist Senator, AL Gore Sr. He used daddy’s influence to shorten his one year tour of Viet Nam to only four months. Atop thst, he received a personal body guard that no other enlisted soldiers in VN received. He was only an E4, not even a 2LT.

    His reason to cut c short his tour is to attend Divinity School. Well, the sacrilegious jerk promptly flunked out and the rest is miserable history of con’s and scams. He also was able to buy the Strategic Oil Reserve at the end of his VP term and promptly sold it to foreign interests.
    At keadr Mr and Mrs. Love Story ended when his wife had enough of his arrogance and divorced him. This guy only trails Buy-Dung in lies and boasting by a few years less of being on the public trough.

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