AB 1400/ACA 11: $200 BILLION Tax Increase (NOT a Typo)

Sacramento Democrats are promoting Soviet style, government health care for all—without any choice for quality health care.  All doctors, nurses and health care staff will be government employees—unionized and work when they want.  Oh, to finance this, they want a $161 billion tax increase—the final straw to force families and businesses that are successful, out of the State.

We will have little health care and even less money.  The good news is that folks will flee this State by the time the taxes and killing of health care  the population of California will be closer to that of Texas (28 million) than it is today of 40 million.  Those staying behind will have no way to finance government, health care, etc.  At that point, freedom will return and the Soviet Democrats will be so discredited they will go into hiding.

Comment on Todays Universal Health Care News Conference
The group that ranked the issue No. 1 for 30 consecutive years wants no part of AB 1400/ACA 11

NFIB,  1/6/22  www.nfib.com/CA

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Jan. 6, 2022—Comment from John Kabateck, California state director for NFIB, on today’s news conference on the revised universal health-care proposal, Assembly Bill 1400, announced by proponents.

“The cost astounds, the taxes required amaze, and the willful ignoring of recent failed attempts in other states boggles the mind. AB 1400, combined with ACA 11 that imposes taxes to pay for government-run health care, would cost taxpayers nearly $200 Billion a year in higher taxes on jobs, income, services, and more – all for an untested new health system in the middle of a pandemic.
“The cost of health insurance has been the No. 1 worry of small-business owners for 30 consecutive years and for just as long we have been making suggestions as to how to reduce those costs because when you reduce cost you increase coverage. We don’t need a government gulag that will unavoidably lead to long waits for health care while draining us of more of our tax money.

“What already fragile and frightened small employers need during – and following – this terrible pandemic era is certainty and a pathway to recovery. AB 1400 will take Main Street job creators and all Californians in the exact opposite direction.”

Keep up with the latest on California small-business news at www.nfib.com/california, where this release can also be read, or by following NFIB on Twitter @NFIB_CA or on Facebook @NFIB.CA.