Actress Sara Ramirez, ‘Non-Binary’ Love Interest in ‘Sex and the City’ Reboot, Claims Hollywood ‘Blacklist’ of Pro-Palestinian Talent

In 1942 would Paramount have as an actress an open supporter of Nazi’s?  Of course not.  So, why should a TV show in 2024 have an actress someone who supports the Hamas terrorists and the killing of Jews?

“Mexican-U.S. actress Sara Ramirez, who plays the “non-binary” love interest Che Diaz in the recent Sex and the City woke reboot, has condemned the character she gave life to while slamming the entertainment industry for allegedly making “blacklists” of actors who have shown support for pro-Palestinian terror groups in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.”

There is no blacklist—those who support Hamas are openly doing so—and networks and shows are aware that Americans will not watch shows promoting folks who proudly hate and want Jews murdered.  Congrats to “Sex and the City” to oppose hatred and violence.

Actress Sara Ramirez, ‘Non-Binary’ Love Interest in ‘Sex and the City’ Reboot, Claims Hollywood ‘Blacklist’ of Pro-Palestinian Talent

SIMON KENT, Breitbart,  1/19/24

Mexican-U.S. actress Sara Ramirez, who plays the “non-binary” love interest Che Diaz in the recent Sex and the City woke reboot, has condemned the character she gave life to while slamming the entertainment industry for allegedly making “blacklists” of actors who have shown support for pro-Palestinian terror groups in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

“Our industry is so duplicitous,” Ramírez lamented in a social media post on Tuesday. “While they give awards away, casting directors and agents are making blacklists of actors and workers who post anything in support of Palestinians in Gaza to ensure they will not work again.”

She went on to claim Israel is committing “genocide on Palestinian lives” that include “LGBTQIA2S+ lives” as part of her sweeping declaration.

The 48-year-old recently participated in a pro-Palestinian protest in Brooklyn, waving a transgender flag, and also joined the Jan. 13 March for Gaza in Washington, DC.

At the conclusion of her post she adds a passing blow at both And Just Like That … and Che Diaz, writing, “It’s wild how performative so many in Hollywood are. Even more performative than the last character I played.”

This stands in contrast to Ramirez’s previous opinions on the character.

Last summer, she vehemently defended Che by saying, “Anybody who benefits from patriarchy is going to have a problem with Che Diaz.”