Add ‘Disinfecting’ to List of Things That Don’t Stop Coronavirus Spread

Remember during the scamdemic, after you left your table at a restaurant, someone with gloves used disinfectant, to make sure you did not leave behind any COVID germs.  Like the mask, social distancing and the vaccine—that was a scam.  Why?  It made government look like it was keeping restaurants open and safe.

This is another Fascist Fauci scam exposed.  Follow the money—it was large corporations that scammed the public by a cabal with government, to kill off our economy.

“We now know that the extra cleaning was unlikely to have helped limit the spread of Covid-19, but it did increase people’s exposure to the chemicals used in those products — some of which may be hazardous to health. Experts worry that repeated inhalation or skin contact can be harmful over time. Calls to poison control centers about cleaning chemicals also increased during the pandemic, primarily for accidental or intentional ingestion.”

Nolte: Add ‘Disinfecting’ to List of Things That Don’t Stop Coronavirus Spread

JOHN NOLTE, Breitbart, 3/24/23 

“We now know that the extra cleaning was unlikely to have helped limit the spread of Covid-19,” reports the far-left New York Times.

Yes, we can now add disinfecting to the growing list of things we were told would stop the spread of the China Virus and did not…

Also on that list…

  • Lockdowns
  • School closings
  • Masks
  • Vaccine

Let’s start another list… Those who profited mightily from all these establishment lies…

  • Big pharma
  • Big box stores
  • Big tech
  • Amazon
  • Netflix
  • Chemical companies that make cleaning supplies
  • Teachers who got all that time off

What a disgrace the media, government, and scientific community are…

How many billions and billions of dollars did people spend on cleaning supplies that not only were of no help in stopping the coronavirus spread but were harmful? That’s right. We are now being told that all that disinfecting we were told to do was harmful to our health…

Get a load of this

The cleaning industry experienced a boom during the first years of the pandemic. Covid-19 cleaning protocols in schools, stores and other public spaces ratcheted up, with a spray and a wipe-down becoming de rigueur on every surface after every use. Fear of the coronavirus also prompted people to use more disinfectant wipes and sprays in their homes, and consumer spending on cleaning products increased 12 percent between 2019 and 2021. (The New York Times admittedly contributed to this disinfecting frenzy.)

We now know that the extra cleaning was unlikely to have helped limit the spread of Covid-19, but it did increase people’s exposure to the chemicals used in those products — some of which may be hazardous to health. Experts worry that repeated inhalation or skin contact can be harmful over time. Calls to poison control centers about cleaning chemicals also increased during the pandemic, primarily for accidental or intentional ingestion.

Who will believe the media, government, and scientific community next time there is a public health scare? They serially misled us. And it was everyday people and small businesses who got screwed by these lies while the richest of the rich prospered and profited.

These fascist monsters murdered our economy, set our children back years, and still have their jobs. Everyone has their job. Everyone at the CDC, the Department of Health, and the news media all got this 100 percent wrong and still have their jobs.… That’s how you know these lies were deliberate. If we were talking about mistakes, people would be fired. But when it’s all part of the plan, and the plan is executed as planned, no one loses their job.

Fool me once…