The Secretary of Defense is doing a great job—for the Russians, Chinese and Middle East terrorists. He is kicking out all service people who refuse o take the jab, refuses to allow as the law allows, religious exemptions—yet, he, who is fully vaccinated, got the virus—proving the vaccine is little more than a placebo. He is using the virus as an excuse to weed out religious people from the military.
“I have informed my leadership team of my positive test result, as well as the President. My staff has begun contact tracing and testing of all those with whom I have come into contact over the last week.
My last meeting with President Biden occurred on Tuesday, December 21st, more than a week before I began to experience symptoms. I tested negative that very morning. I have not been in the Pentagon since Thursday, where I met briefly – and only – with a few members of my staff. We were properly masked and socially distanced throughout.
As my doctor made clear to me, my fully vaccinated status — and the booster I received in early October — have rendered the infection much more mild than it would otherwise have been. And I am grateful for that.
Masked, socially distanced, and took the jab and the booster— yet still get the virus. Any rational person would start questioning the use of the vaccine, mask and social distancing as methods to stop the virus. Especially after tens of thousands of others who are in the same boat also came down with the virus. But, this is not about a virus—it is about controlling society through fear, lies and bullying.

By Kristinn Taylor, Gateway Pundit, 1/2/22
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who says he is fully vaccinated and boosted, announced Sunday that he tested positive for COVID and is experiencing mild symptoms. Austin said his last contact with Joe Biden was December 21, when he tested negative before the meeting and well before the onset of symptoms. This month the Defense Department started discharging several hundred servicemembers for refusing orders to get vaccinated against COVID-19, rejecting claims for religious exemptions.
Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III
I tested positive this morning for COVID-19. I requested the test today after exhibiting symptoms while at home on leave.
My symptoms are mild, and I am following my physician’s directions.
In keeping with those directions, and in accordance with CDC guidelines, I will quarantine myself at home for the next five days.
Stemming the spread of this virus, safeguarding our workforce and ensuring my own speedy and safe recovery remain my priorities. To the degree possible, I plan to attend virtually this coming week those key meetings and discussions required to inform my situational awareness and decision making. I will retain all authorities. Deputy Secretary Hicks will represent me as appropriate in other matters.
I have informed my leadership team of my positive test result, as well as the President. My staff has begun contact tracing and testing of all those with whom I have come into contact over the last week.
My last meeting with President Biden occurred on Tuesday, December 21st, more than a week before I began to experience symptoms. I tested negative that very morning. I have not been in the Pentagon since Thursday, where I met briefly – and only – with a few members of my staff. We were properly masked and socially distanced throughout.
As my doctor made clear to me, my fully vaccinated status — and the booster I received in early October — have rendered the infection much more mild than it would otherwise have been. And I am grateful for that.
The vaccines work and will remain a military medical requirement for our workforce. I continue to encourage everyone eligible for a booster shot to get one. This remains a readiness issue.
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Breitbart’s Kristina Wong posted a meme already making the rounds: