Thanks to Sacramento Democrats, there are twenty-six States that California students are not allowed to attend conferences, seminars, participate in competitive contests—because those States refuse to have laws giving people, based on sexual orientation, special rights. While the Cal Poly Pomona students are forced to raise money on their own—if this contest was held in Russia or China, the Democrats would finance it.
“The denial of funding was attributed to Governor Newsom’s decision to add Florida to the list of states with travel bans under AB 1887.
AB 1887, a California law enacted to address social issues in certain states, restricts state-funded travel to places with “discriminatory” laws. The ban list includes twenty-six (26) states. Florida was added to this list due to its legislation preventing biological men from competing in women’s sports. While the law was enacted to protect women’s sports, its inclusion on the travel ban list inadvertently impacted the Cal Poly Pomona Chem-E-Car team’s ability to attend the national AIChE competition in Florida.
Oh, this prevents biological women from Cal Poly from competing in Florida—once again, Democrats and their hate harms women—and the educational opportunities of all California students.
Send Cal Poly Chem-E-Car to Florida

College Republicans of America, 7/28/23
The Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) Chemical Engineering Chem-E-Car team is facing an unexpected funding challenge because the university denied their request for travel funding to compete in the prestigious national AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) conference in Florida. The CPP Chem-E-Car team earned their spot at AIChE’s 2023 Annual Student Conference Chem-E-Car Competition after handily defeating teams from UCSD, UC Berkeley, and Cal Tech at the Western Regional Conference this past Spring. The denial of funding was attributed to Governor Newsom’s decision to add Florida to the list of states with travel bans under AB 1887.
AB 1887, a California law enacted to address social issues in certain states, restricts state-funded travel to places with “discriminatory” laws. The ban list includes twenty-six (26) states. Florida was added to this list due to its legislation preventing biological men from competing in women’s sports. While the law was enacted to protect women’s sports, its inclusion on the travel ban list inadvertently impacted the Cal Poly Pomona Chem-E-Car team’s ability to attend the national AIChE competition in Florida.
The core pillars of College Republicans of America’s mission are community service and professional development. When we found out that Governor Newsom had denied funding to the Chem-E-Car team, we knew we had to step in. Our commitment to supporting academic endeavors transcends political boundaries. None of the members of the Chem-E-Car team are members of the CPP College Republicans chapter. However, funding their trip is the right thing to do, so we are reaching out to generous donors like you to help us meet our fundraising goal of $9,000 to pay for their expenses. The team will not be able to afford to go without your help.
CRA President Will Donahue released this statement in response to learning the news: “We were incredibly disappointed to learn that Governor Newsom’s actions were stifling student growth. Governor Newsom is preventing Cal Poly engineers, a team comprised mostly of women of color, from competing in a prestigious student competition–at the biggest chemical engineering conference in world–because Florida doesn’t allow men to compete in women’s sports. This is absurd. If Governor Newsom doesn’t want to sponsor women of color in STEM, the College Republicans will, because this isn’t about political orientation, it’s about doing right by students when radical progressive policy restricts their ability to flourish academically.”
Can YOU help us fund their trip to compete in Florida? Even just $25 helps get us to our fundraising goal! Please consider helping us make this right and give these students an opportunity to showcase their tales.