Ambitious collaboration boosts journalism in Los Angeles

Boutique newsletters, special interest journalism, ideological media are going to be supported by a $15 million donation.

This does show that the Left is concerned the legacy media and the openly Leftists TV networks are no longer being believed.  Now they will create “non-partisan” Leftist media in the name of the community.

“The expansion builds on CalMatters’ current Los Angeles coverage, particularly on issues such as homelessness, education, the environment and justice. CalMatters also informs the region in unique ways, through Jim Newton’s commentary and the AI-powered Digital Democracy database.

 The L.A. Local News Initiative will also operate and support local newsrooms that serve L.A. communities. The new organization will be governed by a board representing local and national leaders in journalism, philanthropy, and business.

Supporting funders represent a cross-section of individuals, local foundations, and national philanthropy, with anchor funding from The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, the Spiegel Family Fund, and the American Journalism Project, as well as support from The Annenberg Foundation, Weingart Foundation, California Community Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation, and Jane and Ron Olson.”

All of the reported funders are well known Leftist organization.  Do you think any conservative is going to be allowed on the Board of Directors?  Think they will allow someone to the Right of Bernie Sanders as a staff member?  This is just another Leftist anti-free speech effort.

Ambitious collaboration boosts journalism in Los Angeles

by Sonya Quick, CalMatters,  9/10/24

In summary

The L.A. Local News Initiative will create new local news coverage for California’s largest county.

An effort to support robust, independent local press in Los Angeles County will bring new resources to news organizations, including CalMatters. 

The L.A. Local News Initiative, announced today, is a coalition of journalism and philanthropic organizations that aims to increase coverage that enables Los Angeles residents to navigate local life while applying powerful accountability journalism to billions of dollars in government spending.

As part of the initiative, CalMatters will add new journalists dedicated to coverage that serves Angelenos.

“Good journalism builds stronger communities,” said CalMatters CEO Neil Chase. “We’re thrilled to see this support for enhanced local news coverage, and we’re excited to be part of the effort.”

CalMatters’ in-depth, nonpartisan news coverage will remain free-to-read online, and we’ll continue to share it at no cost with more than 250 media partners across the state. This work includes CalMatters’ unique partnership with PBS SoCal, offering two-minute video reports every weekday on the air and on YouTube.

The expansion builds on CalMatters’ current Los Angeles coverage, particularly on issues such as homelessness, education, the environment and justice. CalMatters also informs the region in unique ways, through Jim Newton’s commentary and the AI-powered Digital Democracy database.

 The L.A. Local News Initiative will also operate and support local newsrooms that serve L.A. communities. The new organization will be governed by a board representing local and national leaders in journalism, philanthropy, and business.

Supporting funders represent a cross-section of individuals, local foundations, and national philanthropy, with anchor funding from The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, the Spiegel Family Fund, and the American Journalism Project, as well as support from The Annenberg Foundation, Weingart Foundation, California Community Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation, and Jane and Ron Olson.

One thought on “Ambitious collaboration boosts journalism in Los Angeles

  1. Boutique journalism may give enough worry and challenge to the current news outlets to force them to start reporting news and not make up stories or interpretations of events. On the other hand, current media outlets can infiltrate the boutique outlets and double down on controlling what is news, real or not! Those of us who watch the news, listen to the news or read the printed word are just sheep under the control of the shepherds. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” available online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Walmart. The soft cover copy is less that the cost of a burger fries and coke.

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