I am glad to see that the American Bar Association is taking a strong stand against disruptive actions at law schools. All it would take is expelling those involved—and never allowing them to practice law. But there is a bigger issue the Bar needs to address. Abusive, politically oriented indictments—and political oriented protection of criminals.
David Weiss and AG Garland need to be disbarred. Bragg in New York and Fox in Atlanta need to be disbarred. Jack Smit should be disbarred and charged with election interference. Corruption has over taken the government justice system.
American Bar Association Considers Crackdown On ‘Disruptive Conduct’ In Wake of Stanford Shout Down

New accreditation standard would require law schools to ban behavior that ‘hinders free expression’
Aaron Sibarium, Washington Free Beacon, 8/17/23 https://freebeacon.com/campus/american-bar-association-considers-crackdown-on-disruptive-conduct-in-wake-of-stanford-shout-down/
The American Bar Association could soon require all law schools to bar “disruptive conduct that hinders free expression,” according to a proposal from the group’s accreditation arm.
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The group’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, which accredits all law schools in the United States, proposed the rule after hundreds of students at Stanford Law School shouted down a sitting federal judge in March, prompting House Republicans to call on the bar association to investigate the school. Those events were “in the background” of the draft requirement, according to an August 2 memo from the bar association. Yale Law School and the University of California Hastings Law School experienced similar disruptions in 2022, each instigated by progressive students upset about a conservative speaker.
The accreditation standard reads as a direct response to those incidents. Law schools must “protect the rights of faculty, students, and staff to communicate ideas that may be controversial or unpopular,” the draft requirement states, including through public demonstrations. At the same time, the standard would prohibit protests that stifle “free expression by preventing or substantially interfering with the carrying out of law school functions or approved activities.”
The proposal comes amid accusations that the bar association has stifled free speech through its accreditation process. The group drew criticism last year when it required all law schools to instruct students that they have a duty to eliminate racism, a move that many law professors, including 10 at Yale, said would imperil academic freedom and result in compelled speech. It also considered requiring law schools to “diversify” their student bodies—only to axe the proposal a month before the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, the case that outlawed race-based college admissions.