You have to remember this is California. If jay Leno or David Letterman were still on TV, this could be their lead off joke. Instead the mainstream media will not report it—and late night TV hosts are comedians who prefer to be AOC wannabees.
“With so many pressing and present problems presenting in Los Angeles, local bureaucrats have created yet another new bureaucratic office to help come up with solutions – a Chief Heat Officer…naturally.
On Friday city officials announced the creation of the new office and the appointment of Marta Segura to the position.
Segura will be in charge of “coordinating the city’s response to extreme heat events,” including organizing with various state agencies to form a “heat action plan.”
Will her job be to place giant fans around town? Maybe turn off your air conditioner or open up closed movie theaters to let the homelessness in? Next to diversity officer, who has the job to discriminate like a Grand Wizard, the Heat Officer is wokeness stupidity.
Amid Skyrocketing Crime and Homelessness, Los Angeles Creates New Office…Chief Heat Officer

By Kira Davis, RedState, 6/4/22
Los Angeles has gone from being the City of Angels to the City of Anarchy.
By now we’re all familiar with the myriad issues facing LaLa Land. An overwhelming homeless problem, open-air drug markets, smash-and-grab crime sprees, gas heading towards $8/gallon, skyrocketing housing costs, traffic…the list is long and lousy.
California has lost so many residents to the chaos, the state lost a congressional seat for the first time ever. Had the census been taken a little later, it might have even lost two. Residents are fleeing in droves.
With so many pressing and present problems presenting in Los Angeles, local bureaucrats have created yet another new bureaucratic office to help come up with solutions – a Chief Heat Officer…naturally.
On Friday city officials announced the creation of the new office and the appointment of Marta Segura to the position.
Segura will be in charge of “coordinating the city’s response to extreme heat events,” including organizing with various state agencies to form a “heat action plan.”
“Experts” claim the position is necessary to combat maybe, possibly, supposedly rising temperatures to come in the next 30 years.
Experts say it’s needed, predicting that by the middle of the century, L.A. will experience five times more heat waves in a year than now.
FEMA has also identified L.A. County as the nation’s most vulnerable county to heat waves and a number of other natural hazards.
Apparently the position is much different than the one Segura previously occupied – director of the Office of Climate Emergency Mobilization.
Angelenos are sure to feel safer already. Now they have not just one climate czar, but two. The climate doesn’t stand a chance now!
We could roll our eyes and say, “Only in California!”, but Miami and Phoenix have similar offices.