Gavin Newsom and the Sacramento Democrats needs to be arrested and tried as co-conspirators for the murder of three young girls by an illegal alien. California policy allowed the police to protect this dangerous foreign criminal from deportation—now three girls are dead.
“Sacramento County Coroner’s Office identified the suspect as David Mora Rojas, 39. The victims have been identified as Samantha Mora Gutierrez, 10, Samarah Mora Gutierrez, 9, Samia Mora Gutierrez, 13 and Nathaniel Kong, 59.
Samantha would have turned 11 on Wednesday. The mother was not there at the time of the shooting and has been alerted to what happened.
The shocking murder-suicide is made even more devastating by the fact that Mora Rojas was not supposed to be in the United States at all. The Mexican native originally overstayed his visa all the way back in 2018. Since that time, he’d been arrested for assaulting an officer, domestic violence, DUI, and assaulting medical staff as recently as February. The perpetrator should have been deported on any of those charges, but California is a sanctuary state,”
Gavin will not apologize—and the Democrats want to protect even more criminals from foreign countries.

By Kira Davis, Red State, 3/5/22
This weekend, Californians are mourning the horrific loss of three children at the hands of their own father.
On March 1, David Mora Rojas, age 39, shot to death his three daughters and their court-appointed supervisor in the Sacramento church where they had arranged a visitation. He then shot himself.
The shooter was under a restraining order brought by his estranged wife over allegations of domestic abuse.
Sacramento County Coroner’s Office identified the suspect as David Mora Rojas, 39. The victims have been identified as Samantha Mora Gutierrez, 10, Samarah Mora Gutierrez, 9, Samia Mora Gutierrez, 13 and Nathaniel Kong, 59.
Samantha would have turned 11 on Wednesday. The mother was not there at the time of the shooting and has been alerted to what happened.
The shocking murder-suicide is made even more devastating by the fact that Mora Rojas was not supposed to be in the United States at all. The Mexican native originally overstayed his visa all the way back in 2018. Since that time, he’d been arrested for assaulting an officer, domestic violence, DUI, and assaulting medical staff as recently as February. The perpetrator should have been deported on any of those charges, but California is a sanctuary state, which means illegal immigrants cannot be reported to federal immigration authorities, even if they commit heinous crimes. He was released just last week after the police officer assault. The Merced County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that because of the sanctuary state laws, they were not allowed to alert federal immigration authorities (ICE) of Mora Rojas’ latest arrest and release. Days later, his three daughters and their court-appointed social worker were dead.
Sanctuary state and city laws in California and across the country have led to countless preventable tragedies involving illegal immigrant criminals.
In 2018, Luis Rodrigo Perez murdered three people after his release from a New Jersey jail on charges of domestic violence. Sanctuary laws prohibited ICE from intervening.
Jose Omar Bello Reyes murdered a California man in 2021, but had an extensive record of entanglement with law enforcement and had been shielded by California’s sanctuary laws for years.
And then of course there was the tragic case of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts, who was murdered by an illegal immigrant who stalked her as she was jogging one morning. Iowa has no official sanctuary cities, but the shocking murder ignited the discussion of lax immigration enforcement and the effect it can have on innocent Americans.
Many pro-sanctuary people will argue that America has plenty of our own crimes and criminals, and committing a crime has nothing to do with being an illegal immigrant, so the two violations – crime and illegal immigration – should remain separate. But that’s actually the reason we should be doubling down on immigration enforcement. We have enough of our own criminals to deal with on a daily basis. We certainly don’t need to be importing anymore. We can hardly keep up with the ones we have.
These are all the same people who use a tragic school shooting to scream about new gun laws because we need a “prevention” strategy for insane people who think it’s okay to murder their classmates, but they have no interest in prevention laws when it comes the potential for illegals to commit horrific acts of violence on American soil.
The only thing that must be worse than hearing your three children have been murdered by their own father, alongside an innocent social worker, is hearing that it could have been preventing by simply sending the murderer back to his own country when we had the chance.
Shame on every politician and voter who supports sanctuary laws. Every single one has blood on their hands.