Anaheim is the home of Disneyland—now no longer greeting “boys and girls” to the Magic Kingdom. The largest employer in Anaheim is shipping 2,000 professionals from California to work in Florida. This is a company that controls the city council of Anaheim—and wants its employees to be “less white”. So, it is no wonder that the woke home of Disneyland has given up on the First Amendment right to free speech.
“Anaheim, California, home to Disneyland, has an ugly, fantasy view of the First Amendment. How else can one explain why Anaheim, after boasting about its respect for free speech, canceled an America First rally at which Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz were appearing because of the town’s “duty” to oppose speech it doesn’t like?
To date, Southern California has been hostile to America First. On July 9, an American First rally set for an event center in Laguna Hills, at which Gaetz and Greene were to appear, had been canceled. The news reported that the hotel’s general manager wanted to avoid any controversies:
In the land of Newsom and Sacramento Democrats, the First Amendment no longer exists—no free press, closed the churches and now closing down free speech—seems more like Moscow than a Free California State.
Anaheim officials have a very peculiar notion about free speech

By Andrea Widburg, American Thinker, 7/19/21
Anaheim, California, home to Disneyland, has an ugly, fantasy view of the First Amendment. How else can one explain why Anaheim, after boasting about its respect for free speech, canceled an America First rally at which Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz were appearing because of the town’s “duty” to oppose speech it doesn’t like?
To date, Southern California has been hostile to America First. On July 9, an American First rally set for an event center in Laguna Hills, at which Gaetz and Greene were to appear, had been canceled. The news reported that the hotel’s general manager wanted to avoid any controversies:
A Laguna Hills event center canceled plans to host an “America First” rally on July 17 after learning the speakers were slated to be two of the most controversial Republicans in Congress: Reps. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene.
“We just want to stay clear of that,” Javad Mirtavoosi, general manager of Pacific Hills Banquet & Event Center, said by phone Friday.
Mirtavoosi said that when the center booked the event they just expected a “gathering.”
“As soon as we found out who the speakers were we immediately canceled it,” Mirtavoosi said.
Nothing daunted, the America First team tried again, this time finding a venue in Riverside, another Southern California venue. Apparently, the venue canceled the event, although the city of Riverside breathed a collective sigh of relief:
“I recognize this was a divisive issue in our community, and I am glad it has been resolved,” Riverside Mayor Patricia Lock Dawson, a Democrat elected in 2020, said in the statement released by the city.
“Riverside is a diverse and inclusive community, so it is heartening to hear that this event will not move forward,” added Mayor Pro Tem Gaby Plascencia. “I am disappointed we even got to this point, because these speakers are the antithesis of everything Riverside stands for.”
Riverside and its mayor are not so diverse and inclusive that they can stand opposing political opinions.
However, it’s Anaheim that gets the award for “most horrific leftist political statement.” When America First tried to book a venue in Anaheim, this is the proud announcement the city published:
That is a truly Orwellian paragraph if I’ve ever seen one:
As a city we respect free speech but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and its values.
No, Mike Lyster. As a city that respects free speech, you have a constitutional obligation to let people speak even if you feel the speech does not reflect your city’s Marxist values. The First Amendment exists not to protect only speech you like because, self-evidently, such speech needs no protection.
The reason for all this cancelation is the left’s claim that Greene and Gaetz are Nazis because they put America first. Every person who lives here should put America first. It’s our home and the home of our eventual descendants. That is not a racist sentiment, nor one seeking world domination. In fact, unlike leftists, President Trump wanted to keep America’s focus within her own borders.
Unlike Greene’s critics, I’ve read her America First draft, which supported her planned America First caucus. She was forced to denounce both because both Democrats and Vichy Republicans attacked her as a Nazi. In fact, there’s not a scintilla of racism or a desire for world domination in that document. What it says is that the freedoms that Americans up until quite recently once enjoyed are a legacy of our nation’s Anglo-Saxon political heritage. Moreover, those freedoms are valuable, should be cultivated, and are worth defending.
The same document says a nation needs enforceable borders, something that benefits Blacks and American Hispanics, whose livelihoods are destroyed through the open southern border. It’s worth noting that the Biden administration just announced that America’s borders are closed to people escaping Cuban communism or Blacks fleeing Haiti’s brewing civil war. Haitians succeed in America, putting the lie to Critical Race Theory’s claim that systemic racism prevents Blacks from achieving success.
Ironically, Southern California was once Reagan country. Sixty years of Marxist indoctrination in America’s schools and open borders and amnesty have turned a proudly constitutional region into the frontline in the war against the First Amendment.
You can help in this war by boycotting Disneyland. The Disney corporation is hard-left, it pushes sexuality on our children, and many of its child stars over the last two decades report having been horribly abused. Plus, it’s a twofer: boycotting Disney also boycotts Anaheim. It’s a good message to send.
As for Gaetz and Greene, they held a “Free Speech Peaceful Protest” Saturday evening outside Riverside City Hall. More than 100 people showed up.
Remember: the left fears Gaetz and Greene and lies about them. Greene is not a Nazi, and those explosive alleged sex charges the FBI was investigating against Gaetz seem to have gone nowhere. To defeat the left, support these two.