Another illegal graduates, proudly waving the flag of the country he’d do anything not to be sent back to

Javier Diego Jacinto is a thief.  He stole a seat at San Diego State University that belongs to an honest citizen, an American taxpayer, someone who is not law breaker.  Jacinto is so proud of breaking the law and arrogant about his stealing an education from an American, that as he graduated he waved the flag of Mexico—his home country, not the United States, the nation he steals from.

“It’s spring graduations these days, and outcome the illegals, proudly waving the flags of the nations they don’t want to be sent back to.

That was the case again in San Diego, where one illegal immigrant, Javier Diego Jacinto, wildly waved the Mexican flag at his graduation from San Diego State University, touting his status as a DACA recipient, and gave interviews for the television cameras. He’s not the first. Remember her?

Here’s my camera screen grab from what I saw on television last night on the NBC7 San Diego report:

Here’s the NBC7 write-up.

A San Diego County resident and DACA recipient who’s worked several jobs to pay his way through college achieved part of his dream Tuesday when he graduated from San Diego State University.

Javier Diego Jacinto, 22 – proudly flying a Mexican flag – walked across the stage at Petco Park during SDSU’s commencement ceremony as his family cheered from the stands.

Jacinto deserves a college education—in Mexico or be honest and get a student visa to come into the U.S.  Otherwise he is just a thief, someone who cannot be trusted.  Do you trust his honesty, integrity that he would not steal from you?

Another illegal graduates, proudly waving the flag of the country he’d do anything not to be sent back to

graduation cap diploma isolated on a white background

By Monica Showalter, American Thinker,  5/25/21  

It’s spring graduations these days, and out come the illegals, proudly waving the flags of the nations they don’t want to be sent back to.

That was the case again in San Diego, where one illegal immigrant, Javier Diego Jacinto, wildly waved the Mexican flag at his graduation from San Diego State University, touting his status as a DACA recipient, and gave interviews for the television cameras. He’s not the first. Remember her?

Here’s my camera screen grab from what I saw on television last night on the NBC7 San Diego report:

Here’s the NBC7 write-up.

A San Diego County resident and DACA recipient who’s worked several jobs to pay his way through college achieved part of his dream Tuesday when he graduated from San Diego State University.

Javier Diego Jacinto, 22 – proudly flying a Mexican flag – walked across the stage at Petco Park during SDSU’s commencement ceremony as his family cheered from the stands.

Which is pretty much the height of ingratitude. Who teaches a kid like that to go wave the Mexican flag instead of the American one after graduating at taxpayer expense from a U.S. university? Who knows of immigrants who came legally who would do that? I don’t. Most are thrilled to have changed their nationality and many want nothing to do with the places they left, and embrace their Americanism as a gift from heaven. Not this kid. He’d rather wave the Mexican flag once he’s gotten a chance to get on camera as if to wave in Americans’ faces that he’s gotten away with something.

Nobody’s asking him about it, of course, not in the press, despite the obvious messaging. And he’s not the first. Years ago, when Indira Esparza waved her Mexican flag of triumph as a DACA recipient at her state-school graduation with a gut major in tow, there was public outrage and even columnist Ruben Navarrette condemned her lack of “manners” and called it a lost opportunity to show good character. He was thinking about illegals’ obligation to win Americans over. This kid, though, doesn’t seem to think illegals need to win anyone over anymore. He’s entitled, see, we owe him.

Yet the truth is, it is the other way around. Facts emerged about Esparza’s cushy ride as an undocumented student from La Jolla’s prestigious Preuss school, and all the cash and goodies she managed to get for being here illegally, including her placement at UCSD, which took the place of another U.S. student. Instead of thanking California’s taxpayers for their largesse, she waved the Mexican flag in their faces, as did this kid, who now does it unremarkably.

And there’s a lot being hidden from this kid’s story about why he’s here and where he comes from. The press would have you think it’s all a sob story so we naturally “owe” him, but that’s hardly the case.

One: His parents were economic migrants who entered the U.S. illegally, not people escaping political persecution as today’s asylum seekers all claim, line cutters ahead of the legal immigrants, going first as the law-abiding awaited, profiting off breaking the law.

“They left their life in another place so that I could aspire to do bigger things — things that they didn’t get to do,” he explained.

Two: His family was hardly dirt-poor even in the state of Morelos, Mexico, where he says he’s from:

Morelos, with its big city of Cuernavaca, is Mexico’s third largest in terms of population, with 1.8 million people, an 86% urbanization rate, and $11,613 per capita income. It’s the home to car and car-part manufacturing plants according to OECD data, which is a heckuvua lot richer than, say, Honduras, where per capita income runs around $1,000. According to Knoema, a private corporate intelligence firm, only 6,421 Morelos residents out of 1.8 million left the state for another country in 2020, a sharp spike from previous years when far fewer did, according to their chart, and may presumably include the year this kid’s parents left with him and his siblings 14 years ago.

Here’s the state of Morelos, Mexico, on Wikipedia, where he says he’s from:

Due to its location near Mexico City, the state has one of the lower rates of economic marginalization, ranking 20th of 33 units in economic marginalization, based on housing and education. The most urbanized areas of the state are the strongest economically, with the least urbanized being the poorest. Two of the factors in the development of the state’s economy since the 1960s are the opening of the Mexico City-Acapulco highway through the state in 1952 and the creation of the Civac (Ciudad Industrial Valle de Cuernavaca) industrial complex in 1965. This concentrated the population growth into the northern part of the state. 


Commerce, transportation, services, and tourism accounts for 59% of the state’s GDP and employs just over 50% of the working population.[151] The growth of the commerce sector is due to urbanization and the growth of tourism.[122] The biggest selling point of the state touristically is its location, just south of Mexico City, which has the largest and wealthiest population in the country. Many of these people come to spend the weekend in Cuernavaca’s nightclubs and away from Mexico City’s traffic and pollution.[69] Many of these visitors have bought second homes here, which has driven property prices up.[24] Those from Mexico City and other cities are also attracted to the states water parks and spas, such as Las Palmas in Tehuixtla, El Rollo and the Parque Acuatico Oaxtepec.[151][162]

The state, especially around the capital of Cuernavaca, has experienced a housing boom since the late 1990s. More than 10,000 houses were built from 2000 to 2008 and another 50,000 are planned through 2013. The state’s office of urban development states that this is far above what is needed to house the state’s population. Instead, it reflects demand from Mexico City for a weekend and getaway homes. The housing boom has put a strain on infrastructure and on property prices.[163]

That doesn’t sound like a third-world dump where only the scrappiest who escape make it. It sounds like it’s pretty close to first world, actually, and Mexico is one of Latin America’s richest countries.

The write-up goes on to say that the Jacinto kid worked several jobs to get through college, many menial, as if that were something unusual for middle-class college students in the U.S. 

The press, both on NBC and Telemundo, bills this as some kind of magnificent achievement against all odds, but even that comes off as propaganda. The kid went to a solid but hardly prestigious state school, taking the place of a citizen, and actually, had more resources than citizens. Despite this, he majored in a very gut major — liberal studies – where they park underachievers. After that, he will enter a bilingual credential program, according to NBC, not being able to get it all done during his undergraduate career despite his native-speaking advantage. Then he’s off to a state sinecure as a teachers’ union member, planning to teach other non-English-speaking kids expected to arrive from his homeland.

It’s not a disastrous record compared to most DACA recipients, who, stuck in failing teachers’ union-led schools, and coming from cultures where education is not valued, are some of America’s biggest underachievers. But it was hardly a herculean struggle and triumph. Actually, it was mediocre.

Apparently, San Diego State had been working with this kid a lot and made him a poster boy for their vast resource base devoted to benefitting illegals and securing more government funds. He described a reasonably ordinary, not dirt-scrapping, life on the San Diego State University’s resource page as one of its featured brand ambassadors. Here’s his statement on the San Diego State “undocumented resources” page:

 Hi, my name is Javier Diego Jacinto. I am a first generation transfer student majoring in Liberal Studies with an Emphasis in Elementary Education and a Focus on Literacy. I was born In Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico. I am a DACA/AB 540 student and I am here to share my experiences with you with the mindset of helping you succeed at any goal you set yourself to. In my leisure time, I enjoy waking up at 4 am and going on hikes. I have an awesome Pug that helps brighten my day. I enjoy drinking a nice, warm cup of coffee while watching a couple of episodes of the office for the 100th time. I plan to get my bilingual teacher’s credential and utilize my passion for producing and creating music and videos to showcase the importance of education. As a result, I am in the process of publishing Aspiring Teacher’s Club. It will help bridge the gap between undergrads who wish to become teachers and the resources they need to attend a 4-year institution. I am excited to be part of SOAR and transmit my positive and enthusiastic energy into any obstacle that dares to come our way. Together, little by little, we will start by doing what is possible, and sooner than you think, we will be doing what we thought was impossible.

All that, and all he can say for himself now is to wave the Mexican flag. 

We all know that something else is going on here, the press incuriously selling illegals as heart-string-tuggers, and the universities selling this kid as a success story against all odds, despite the actual details. The shamelessness is what actually sticks out, the Mexican flag in our faces. He’s on a mission to indoctrinate kids now, and already he’s showing what he plans to do with them as he waves that flag. That’s an establishment out of control and reveals some amazing rot and corruption within our institutions.