Army Admits Jab Caused Soldier’s Heart Condition

The Army gave a solider heart disease.  After a few years it finally admits the vaccine for COVID they mandated has caused great harm.  It is one of the reasons recruiting is down—who wants to join an organization that does not care about your health?

“Catherine Herridge, late of CBS and Fox News, and scourge of government bureaucrats who routinely lie, is releasing a new investigation on Twitter/X on vaccine injuries. The first installment focuses on Karoline Stancik’s successful fight to get the Army to acknowledge that her heart condition was caused by the jab that the Army mandated that soldiers get. 

After her heart condition developed she was separated from the Army, lost her pay and healthcare benefits, and due to her heart condition (which caused fainting and resulted in heart attacks) was unable to get a job. 

The Army finally acknowledged it after Karoline faced tens of thousands of uncovered healthcare costs. It took over two years of fighting the bureaucracy, but Army Human Resources acknowledged Karoline’s heart condition was caused by the jab and that her injuries were a result of actions taken in the line of duty. 

How about lawsuits against government agencies and prevent companies that forced workers to take a dangerous untested drug?  How about a trillion lawsuit against Pfizer and other companies that made billions off a drug that did not prevent COVID, though they advertised it as such?  They scammed the American, killed our economy, education and created mental and physical illnesses.  The Federal government admits that 37,000 people DIED from taking this drug—why aren’t State Attorney Generals suing?  The health issues due to this abuse will last for a whole generation.  Knowing I had enough health issues, I refused to take the drug and feel healthier for that decision.

Army Admits Jab Caused Soldier’s Heart Condition

DAVID STROM, HotAir,  6/24/24

It will take years for the full story to come out about the disastrous policies forced on the American people during the pandemic, but at least the process has begun. 

The hearings in Congress have been a good start to the process, despite the fact that Democrats have been flying cover for the public health establishment. There have also been a series of scientific studies showing that vaccine injuries and non-pharmaceutical interventions caused millions of deaths. 

But official acknowledgments have been few and far between, so far. Everybody has been covering their own butts.

Will the dam break? Perhaps, perhaps not. But one good sign is that the Army is beginning to acknowledge that its vaccine policy did permanently damage some soldiers. 

Catherine Herridge, late of CBS and Fox News, and scourge of government bureaucrats who routinely lie, is releasing a new investigation on Twitter/X on vaccine injuries. The first installment focuses on Karoline Stancik’s successful fight to get the Army to acknowledge that her heart condition was caused by the jab that the Army mandated that soldiers get. 

After her heart condition developed she was separated from the Army, lost her pay and healthcare benefits, and due to her heart condition (which caused fainting and resulted in heart attacks) was unable to get a job. 

The Army finally acknowledged it after Karoline faced tens of thousands of uncovered healthcare costs. It took over two years of fighting the bureaucracy, but Army Human Resources acknowledged Karoline’s heart condition was caused by the jab and that her injuries were a result of actions taken in the line of duty. 

This is huge, both for her and for other soldiers facing similar circumstances. She is now eligible for benefits that will among other things, cover her healthcare costs. 

Mandating the vaccines for soldiers was always a terrible idea. The population covered was never at serious risk from COVID and the vaccine was known to cause potentially deadly side effects, especially in younger people. The decision to mandate the vaccine was political and not based on readiness or health concerns, and no doubt contributed to the recruiting difficulties the military now faces. 

Will Karoline’s winning the battle for acknowledging that her injuries occurred in the line of duty open the floodgates for others making similar claims? It is impossible to say right now, especially given that there is such a wide variety of potential side effects that linger but are not so obviously linked to the vaccine. 

But we can hope. 

At least the Biden Administration is now covering transgender surgeries, though, so at least they have some of their priorities straight. 

It’s good to see that Catherine Herridge is back doing investigative reporting, and I wish her luck in carving out a career on Twitter where she will not face pressure to conform and censorship of her work. 

As the mainstream media collapses in on itself, the best reporters are developing audiences who produce excellent work. Unfortunately, fewer people will see their work, increasing the information divide between those who still watch the MSM and those who seek a wider range of reporters. 

2 thoughts on “Army Admits Jab Caused Soldier’s Heart Condition

  1. As a 38-year member of the Army and Army Reserves, I have taken numerous inoculations for the routine stuff plus those for deployments. The Plandemic came years after I retired. I knew that at least four times that I have deployed overseas I received dosages of Ivermectin. I did take the initial COVID shot, and the Va offered me a second which I partook.

    In a short amount of time, I saw that many were getting really sick, two friends got their boosters and then suddenly died of heart elated issues. One was fifty, the other in his seventies but otherwise in reasonable health. The news began to air issues, especially among healthy people getting very sick and some dying. It was then I refused the third shot and I or my wife never even got a cold during this dark era of dark medicine, fostered by ill-informed scientists, politicians investing in Big Pharma and the weight of idiots whose unfounded fears at every level of social interaction caused businesses to close, churches to shutter, trillions of dollars invested, wasted and scammed by hucksters has collapsed trust in the governments at all levels. Very few were aware and didn’t buy in to the fear mongering. I believe those like Fauci that did invest his personal funds in research of “gain of functions”, he invested US monies in the Wuhan Labs that accomplished these experiments. He and others need to be in prison.

    Back to the soldiers, I would have never enforced this vaccine upon the healthiest members of our society, the military! The Nurenburg Decisions forbid the military being used for experiments. How many Black men were exposed to Syphilis without antidotes and exposed to Chemical, Biological and Nuclear exposures for the purposes for study? The Joint chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense failed to stand up for the troops. they too need to suffer by Courts Martials and reductions in rank. General Officers are still subject to the UCMJ after retirements.

    We indeed have a recruiting shortage in a time as critical as 1939 when the Roosevelt administration began to wake up to the ultimate threats that led to WWII. I advise young men and women to wait until the Biden era of tyrants is over before enlisting. I do support re-instating the draft. Those that protest over that must look inward at themselves to see their political decisions making the US weak to our enemies. that is when they prey upon their enemies.

  2. Is this an about face on the part of the army or is this just another Biden White House ” Let’s do something to shore up the women’s vote? Read “Persona Opinions of One Common Man” due out soon. Politics suck!

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