Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is what you get when you have a candidate that REFUSES to debate, refuses to be in the same room with his opponents, does not give complete answers to questions, reminds you his is a celebrity. The few answers you get sound like a Democrat, not a Republican. In 2003 we knew that Arnold was not a Republican. He hated the Republican Party, in fact campaigned against it—and told it to go away.
For a few days we had a Republican who had an “R” after their name. But, in the end he raised taxes, the majority of judges he appointed were Democrats, gave us AB 32, the original job killer environmental bill. Now to top things off, as expected, since he believes in junk science, he calls you a schumck if you do not wear a diaper on your face or take an experimental drug—he knows about drugs, he was big into them.
Now, this Hillary Clinton/Joe Biden supporter was caught in the middle of Beverly Hills without a mask. No surprise. He hid his views from us during the 2003 election. As for me, I believe in debates, complete answers and support of volunteers.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Caught MASKLESS After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms”

by Clayton Keirns, Tending Politics, 8/14/21
Earlier this week, Arnold Schwarzenegger said “screw your freedoms” to anyone who didn’t want to wear a mask or inject their bodies with an experimental vaccine. He also called these freedom-lovers a bunch of “schmucks”.
Well, as fate would have it, the radical left-wing celebrity was caught MASKLESS in Beverly Hills, CA on Friday. By his own definition, he is engaging in “super-spreader” activity.
If he was truly worried about not spreading to Covid, wouldn’t he wear a mask in public just in case? How about 2 masks? 3 masks? I personally think he would be sporting 4 if he *really* wants to protect others.
Here’s the report from Fox News:
“Arnold Schwarzenegger was seen stepping out on Friday in Beverly Hills, Calif., days after he called mask-averse Americans “schmucks” and said, “screw your freedom,” to those seeking to terminate COVID-19 mandates.e former governor of California was spotted wearing a grey tee and black shorts paired with sunglasses and a cowboy hat.
A maskless Schwarzenegger also chomped on a cigar for the outing where he hung out with friends and drove his custom Hummer throughout the city.”