Asm. DeMaio Unveils Republican Contract to Reform California in ‘26

A few weeks ago, newly elected GOP Assemblyman Carl DeMaio released a seven point plan to revitalize the Republican Party in California.  Now, he is providing a ten point plan to save California from its impending economic collapse.

Contract to Reform California – By the Numbers:

  • $2,500 Annual cost-of-living relief rebates
  • $13,000 Annual education vouchers for each child
  • 2/3rds Vote requirement for approving the state budget
  • 5% Immediate labor cost reduction in state budget
  • 25% Cut in pay for politicians who impose unconstitutional laws or mandates
  • $0 A ban on gifts for politicians, and end to handouts to illegal immigrants”

This is what leadership looks like!

Asm. DeMaio Unveils Republican Contract to Reform California in ‘26

‘The 2024 election shows California voters are hungry for change’

By Katy Grimes, California Globe, 12/27/24

Carl DeMaio hit the ground running after being sworn in Dec. 2nd to the California Assembly. Two weeks ago DeMaio released his 7-Point Plan to Overhaul ‘Broken’ CA Republican Party.

Now, he and Reform California are unveiling a Contract to Reform California— “a 10-point agenda that offers bold proposals to fix the state’s pressing problems.”

In 1994 then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the first Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives in 40 years, created his Contract With America.

“Never before had so detailed a document become such an integral part of a congressional election campaign; never had so many innovative ideas been drafted into legislation so quickly; and never in the previous six decades had so much legislation been passed by the House of Representatives in less than 100 days after the newly elected Members of Congress took office,” the Heritage Foundation wrote.

367 candidates for office signed the Contract on September 27, 1994, and publicly pledged: “If we break this Contract, throw us out.” The Republicans who were already Members of the House of Representatives organized themselves into 11 working groups that eventually drafted ten bills that made up the Contract.

The Contract was “not just to change its policies, but even more important, to restore the bonds of trust between the people and their elected representatives.”

California finds itself in a precarious place, and in dire need of such a commitment from Republican politicians stuck in reactionary mode.

“The 2024 election shows California voters are hungry for change, but to satisfy that demand, California Republicans must get their act together ASAP and become a real and functioning opposition party,” DeMaio says. “Our first priority must be to unite under a single comprehensive and common-sense reform package to fix the problems causing so many to flee our state.”

DeMaio says the Contract to Reform California is a pledge all of our Republican candidates (Governor, State Legislature, local government, etc.) would make to enact specific and detailed legislation to address the biggest problems facing the state.

Here is DeMaio’s proposal:

  1. Cost-of-Living Reduction Act: Immediately suspend all state gas and utility taxes and slash regulations and mandates so we can drive down cost-of-living in CA.
  2. Taxpayer Protection Act: Amend the state constitution to restore Prop 13’s full effect to make it harder to raise taxes – and bar politicians from imposing a Mileage Tax, an Exit Tax, a Savings Tax, or increasing Gas or Car taxes.
  3. Balanced Budget Accountability Act: Require a two-thirds vote to approve the budget, eliminate wasteful programs, and cap spending
  4. Education Choice and Parental Empowerment Act: Give parents education vouchers worth $13,000 per student if a school fails proficiency standards.
  5. Homelessness Reduction Act: Enact bans on camps near schools and in public spaces, require mental health and substance abuse treatment, and impose work requirements on those receiving welfare.
  6. End Reckless Release of Criminals Act: Repeal Prop 57’s early release of violent criminals and prohibit placement of Sexually Violent Predators in residential neighborhoods
  7. California Secure Borders Act: Repeal the Sanctuary State law, end taxpayer-funded handouts to illegal immigrants, and require deployment of national guard to the border.
  8. Voter ID and Election Integrity Act: Require voter ID, citizenship verification, accurate voter lists, and timely counting of ballots.
  9. Punish Unconstitutional Actions Act: Cut 25% of the pay of the Governor and any state legislators who impose a law or regulation later found to be unconstitutional. At the rate they abuse power and violate our rights, soon these guys will be working for free!
  10. Cut the Politicians’ Perks Act: Impose a total ban on gifts and lobbying by politicians, force state politicians to comply with all laws they impose on citizens, and eliminate lavish pensions for politicians.

Contract to Reform California – By the Numbers:

  • $2,500 Annual cost-of-living relief rebates
  • $13,000 Annual education vouchers for each child
  • 2/3rds Vote requirement for approving the state budget
  • 5% Immediate labor cost reduction in state budget
  • 25% Cut in pay for politicians who impose unconstitutional laws or mandates
  • $0 A ban on gifts for politicians, and end to handouts to illegal immigrants

Gingrich’s Contract with America ended with this: “Respecting the judgment of citizens as we seek their mandate for reform, we hereby pledge our names to this Contract with America.”

Read more at Reform California.

3 thoughts on “Asm. DeMaio Unveils Republican Contract to Reform California in ‘26

  1. DeMaio and Kevin Kiley strike me as the key to our state’s Republican renaissance. If these two paragons of electoral excellence keep up the good work, demographics the Left has bent over backwards to drive and/or keep out may even be willing to move in. Also, our state’s more than rotten “top two” primary system, which is to BLAME for the Dems’ supermajority in both houses of the state legislature, needs to be stifled.

  2. This is a great start.
    If he can get at least one or some of these ideas passed, all Californians will benefit.
    And, yes, the crooked democrat top-two vote process has to go away.

  3. Carl, where do I sign?

    In addition to legislative candidates any candidate running for Executive Board of the CRP and or their County Party Central Committee ought to sign the Republican contract to Reform California or forever be labeled a milquetoast rino.

    And as a friendly reminder for your readers that may not recall…

    arnold “screw your freedom” schwarzenegger aka The Sperminator gave CA taxpayers the train to nowhere and CA democrats a super majority with his disastrous top two primary!


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