The race for Assembly in the 47th AD is an example of why people throw up their hands and say a pox on all your homes.
The candidates are Christy Holstege, endorsed by the terrorist supporting Democrat Socialists of America. She is your typical National Socialist Democrat. The GOP incumbent is Greg Wallis, formerly the chief of staff for the hate Republicans Chad Mayes—a former GOP Assembly Leader.
The question for the voters is who to vote for? The Democrat Socialist of America terrorist’s supporter or the GOP’er.
Let’s go to the issues. Wallis made it clear he wanted a GOP Platform that DID not oppose sanctuary cities—just like the DSA Democrat.
Wallis opposes traditional marriage—in fact he is the only GOP’er authoring ACA 5, to end tradional marriage I the California Constitutional.
The DSA candidate, like Wallis support the killing of babies—he supported a Platform that did not support babies.
Wallis did not want the GOP to support Prop. 13—neither does the DSA candidate.
Both agree that protecting criminals is OK—Wallis did not want the GOP to support the repeal of Pro. 47 and 57.
I could go on, but you get the point—there is very little policy differences between the DSA candidate and the GOP Assemblyman Greg Wallis.
As a voter how do you vote—or do you vote at all? The only apparent difference is that the DSA candidate openly supports terrorism and the GOP office holder has Democrat Party values, but does not support terrorism.
The choice is the lesser of two evils—but when you vote that way, you are still voting for evil.

Assembly District 47 Candidate Christy Holstege is a Proud Member of Coachella Valley for Democratic Socialism
CAGOP.ORG, 10/13/23 cagop.ord
SACRAMENTO, CA — Christy Holstege is a proud member of Coachella Valley for Democratic Socialism on Facebook. According to Key Wiki, Christy Gilbert Holstege is an active member of the Facebook page as of April 2021.
Outlined on the Coachella Valley for Democratic Socialism’s Facebook group is their policy platform. As a member, Christy Holstege aligns herself with the group’s extreme positions, including prison abolition, socialized healthcare, open borders, and the Green New Deal.
The Coachella Valley for Democratic Socialism’s Facebook group proudly promotes an agenda that not only is in stark contrast to the values of the voters in the 47th Assembly District, but would jeopardize even using AC in the summer. Christy Holstege’s alignment with these radical policy positions is yet again another example of her extreme views that are out of touch with desert families.
Wow. No good news in that district. They need a conservative candidate who speaks spanish and has enough money and strategy to beat them both.
right on statement Billy Jack! Sad isn’t it…..