Assemblyman Brian Maienschein Is a proud graduate of Jessica Pattersons “California Trailblazers (commonly known as Trailfailures). Along with Chad Mayes, who turn NPP and denounces the GOP and Trump every chance he has, Jordan Cunningham and Heath Flora—who as Trailfailure graduates voted for the highest tax increase in State history—Maienschein renounced the GOP and became a Progressive Democrat. Trailfailures has been used to determine who is a real conservative GOP’ers—so the Left in the Party can run candidates against them. It appears their slogan is “NO Conservative left standing in the GOP”.
Now this Progressive Democrat, who supported Patterson for Chair in her first election has presented a strong bill on fentanyl penalties. Then, when it came time to vote for his own bill, he voted NO.
“Assemblyman Brian Maienschein has come under fire after he essentially voted against his own bill aimed at increasing penalties for fentanyl sales that lead to death or significant injuries. The move has been seen as a political game, as Maienschein’s office said he was focused on reviving the bill next session, but critics argue that his actions have cost taxpayers and put his own constituents at risk.
Maienschein’s vote came in response to a motion made by Assembly Republicans to fast-track a slate of bills meant to crack down on fentanyl dealers, including his own. His office argued that the motion was improper and that no Democrat supported it. However, many are questioning whether Maienschein’s decision was based on principle or political expediency.”
How many lives have Maienschein and the Democrats cost? Why aren’t we angry about their support of the drug cartels and China?
Assemblyman Brian Maienschein’s Political Game: Costing Taxpayers and Endangering His Constituents

San Diego News Desk, 5/10/23
Assemblyman Brian Maienschein Prioritizes Political Ambitions Over Constituent Safety
Assemblyman Brian Maienschein has come under fire after he essentially voted against his own bill aimed at increasing penalties for fentanyl sales that lead to death or significant injuries. The move has been seen as a political game, as Maienschein’s office said he was focused on reviving the bill next session, but critics argue that his actions have cost taxpayers and put his own constituents at risk.
Maienschein’s vote came in response to a motion made by Assembly Republicans to fast-track a slate of bills meant to crack down on fentanyl dealers, including his own. His office argued that the motion was improper and that no Democrat supported it. However, many are questioning whether Maienschein’s decision was based on principle or political expediency.
Critics have pointed out that Maienschein was a former Republican who switched parties and that his actions may have been an attempt to gain support from Democrats for his City Attorney race in San Diego. They argue that his poor leadership and political maneuvering have cost taxpayers and put his own constituents at risk.
Maienschein’s office has promised to revive the bill next session, but many are skeptical of his motives. The fentanyl crisis is a serious issue that requires urgent action, and it is unacceptable for politicians to play political games instead of putting their constituents first.
Assemblyman Brian Maienschein’s decision to essentially vote against his own bill has been met with widespread condemnation. His political game has not only cost taxpayers but has put his own constituents at risk. It is time for Maienschein to prioritize the needs of his constituents over his political ambitions.