As the saying goes, without double standards there would be no standards. During COVID Guv Newsom took friends to a $300 a plate meal, while NOT wearing a mask—he forced us to order our food, stop going to restaurants. He
Author: Stephen Frank
California pledged $500 million to help tenants preserve affordable housing. They didn’t get a dime.
Government is theft. Government is a scam—and the families of California finance the corruption. Here is another example of a Sacramento scam. “But six months later, the state program has vanished after failing for three years to give out any
Carbon Capture Projects Pay Billions to Polluters but Aren’t Worth Much to Californians
The so-called carbon tax—billions from businesses in California every year are a scam. It is really the transfer of revenues from some companies, to others. In the end, the customers pay the tax—since in the history of mankind, NO corporation
Electric car owners causing more emissions overall, research shows
The Florida Hurricane Milton has reminded folks that water will kill an EV. Worse, it could cause a fire and explosion. That is the good news. Many bought an EV to “save the planet”. Instead, THEY have made it worse!
SFUSD identifies schools that could merge, close
Good news. The San Fran schools, who has its finances controlled by the State of California, not the School Board, is about to close or merge twelve schools. This should have been done years ago. “Superintendent Matt Wayne released the
Newsom Vowed to Build Housing on Surplus State Property. 99% of the Land Will Stay Vacant
Newsom is like any other Democrat. He will promise anything for a voted—and then not deliver. He is a Hollywood Slicky. “Shortly after he entered office, he made good on that promise, issuing an executive order that directed state agencies to assess
SB 1123: TEN Homes to a Lot—Stack & Pack on Steroids
Great news. Thanks to the Sacramento Democrats and Guv Newsom, that empty lot in your neighborhood could have TEN homes built on it. The house next to you can be sold, torn down and ten homes built on the lot—and
OOPS! Kamala Harris Wanted to Ban the Type of Gun She Now Claims to Own
Kamala Harris can not even lie very well. While telling people she owns a Glock, at the same time she wants to OUTLAW Glocks. So, why does she own a gun that she does not want YOU to own? “Vice
California firefighters consider bucking national union on Harris
Democrat “leaders” are so far Left that real Democrats have left the Party. For the first time in over 30 years, more voters identify as Republicans than Democrats. Blacks and Hispanics are moving toward Trump and the GOP. Union members
Democrats Aren’t Serious About Lowering Gas Prices
Californians pay about $1.50 in gas taxes. Add to that another $1.91 due to government regulations. That explains why we have the highest cost of gas in the nation. In New Jersey you can get a gallon of unleaded for