“American Pie” is one of my favorite songs. It explains the end of an era. The song tells a story about how these were and how they are going to change. America, with this election, is seeing a transformation of
Author: Stephen Frank
Harris would turn nation into Kamalafornia, where illegal immigrants get free money
Every day Newsom and California violate Federal law in re: illegal immigration. Federal law makes it a felony to encourage and/or support illegal aliens (the law does NOT use the word “migrants”). Yet California gives housing vouchers, allow them to
Newsom denies jobless aid to undocumented Californians, after vetoing two other bills to help them
Great news for unemployed Californians. They will not have to fight it out with illegal aliens for unemployment checks. The State already owes the Feds $20 billion on a loan to continue paying unemployment. This would have killed off the
Railroads’ lawsuit against California over air quality regulations stayed
Great news! The Democrats are trying to force you to use a bike, bus, walk or a train to get to work, visit Grandpa, go to the movies or buy groceries. Newsom is forcing the trucking industry to get rid
Did Julie Su Do California a $32 Billion Favor?
Julie Su screwed the Federal government when she worked as Labor Secretary for Gavin Newsom. Her incompetence, including giving unemployment checks to folks on Death Row. Now as the Acting Secretary of Labor, in D.C. she is EXCUSING herself for
California eliminates written driving test for most people 70 and older renewing their license
I am a happy camper! I am past my 70th birthday and now I do not have to take the stupid, incoherent written drivers test. I have been driving for more than 60 years—some of the questions are about issue
This demographic is fleeing both California and New York by the thousands: report
California is a UniParty State. New York is a UniParty State. Both are known for crimes, homeless, high taxes, anti-free speech, failed government schools. Any wonder folks are fleeing these Democrat controlled States? “Wealthy millennials are leaving blue states on
University of California Signs RACIST Union Agreement—Needs Lawsuit to Stop Racist Promotions
Read this government press release carefully. Buried DEEP in it is the vile racism of the State of California and unions. They are “proud” of the new negotiated contract with the union. It gives an overview of the agreements—then you
California’s high energy prices will be coming to YOUR city if Kamala Harris gets elected.
We do not have to wait for Kamala to be elected. The Sacramento Assembly Democrats voted to raise the cost of gas AND to limit the supply of gas. California is already forced to import 70% of the gas we
Heard on the Tom/Toms Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 10/2/24 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com REAL CALIFORNIA VOTER REGISTRATION—PER SECRETARY OF STATE Some organizations are making fantastic claims of change in voter registration in California. One blasted out, with