Stein: “Renewables” only exist to generate occasional electricity, as they CANNOT make any products or fuels!

Sadly, Americans are energy illiterate.  Add to that the Democrats are taking hundreds of billions to finance an unreliable, expensive EV future for us. “The greatest threat to the world’s populations could be the future for billions to exist and

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Gavin Newsom vetoes a first-in-the-nation attempt to employ undocumented students

Federal law is clear.  It is illegal to hire or encourage hiring of illegal aliens.  Of course, the Sacramento Democrats do not believe in laws, so they passed a bill to hire illegal aliens, INSTEAD of American citizens.  I am

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Dozens of states urge EPA to deny California waiver making out-of-state trucks comply with electric mandate

The EV truck mandate of Gavin Newsom will destroy the economy of dozens of others American States.  Just because he wants California to be in the toilet does not mean West Virginia, Iowa or Georgia should suffer. “Twenty-four states signed

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Gavin Newsom/Democrats “Success”: California Poverty Has Nearly Doubled Since 2021

The policies of Gavin Newsom and the Sacramento Democrats are working as intended.  More people in California are dependent on government than ever before.  More people in California are needing government to survive.  Newsom must be proud that more Californians,

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Oakland and Its Own School Board Are Locked in a Legal Fight Over Election Costs

This is how government wastes your tax dollars.  Administrators, attorneys, special interests and staff of the County and School district are spending time and money debating “who pays for an election”.  Here is an idea.  Who paid for the last

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California bill mandating health warning labels on gas stove sales passes in state legislature

If a product is dangerous, government, based on science should ban it.  When a product is not politically correct, government puts a warning label on it.  The good news is that everybody knows the labels are meaningless and there is

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