Court to rule on whether California cities can issue bonds without voter approval

End of Democracy!!  Some cities are trying to issue bonds without a vote of the people.  No need to ask the taxpayers if they want to take on debt—just force them into it.  How?  By claiming that since government mismanaged

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Judge erred in tossing challenge to California logging project, environmentalists tell Ninth Circuit

Why is the cost of housing so high?  One reason is the cost of lumber.  Why is that high?  Because environmentalists try to stop logging—causing years in court and millions in legal fees—and inflation takes care of the rest. “A

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San Bernardino County won’t replace AMR ambulance service on Oct. 1 as planned

Government does not like capitalism or private businesses.  Santa Barbara lied and cheated to try to end private ambulance services.  Ventura County government is trying to force unions, via the fire department, to run ambulance services.  Now, San Bernardino is

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California’s maternity care crisis is worsening as Newsom decides on bills to slow closures

California policy is to allow the abortion of babies, up to the time of birth.  Now we find that government policy has caused dozens of maternity care facilities to close.  California prefers illegal aliens to babies being born of American

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Romero: I’m a true-blue Democrat — but I’ve joined the GOP and back Donald Trump

The Democrat Party has turned into a bunch of Leftist Looneys—attaching itself to every failed Socialist economic policy of the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Albania and other Communist countries.  Harris and her buddies think Cuba is great and America is

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