The Bakersfield Californian transitions to a five-day per week newspaper

One by one, little by little, newspapers are going the way of the buggy whips. “— The Bakersfield Californian announced Thursday that it will transition to a five-day per week newspaper in print and online beginning October 1. The announcement

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Cashing in? A CA Tribe Bought Campaign Ads for Lawmaker Who Cast Key Gambling Vote

There is an old saying in politics…”Some politicians can not be bought.  They can only be rented”. Did Evan Low know about the impending “donation” to his campaign efforts?  Or is it just a coincidence? “Assemblymember Evan Low represents a

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Walters: California has spent billions on homelessness but lacks hard data on outcomes

Newsom can not account for $24 billion spent on “the homeless”.  We know that a lot of that money went into studies, research, consultants and non profits with high overhead.  We also know that if you are politically connected, you

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