Walters: California’s Economic Recovery Lags Other States. This Is Why It’s So Sluggish.

California is in a DOOM LOOM.  San Jose, San Fran and Los Angeles are the most expensive cities for homes in the nation.  The cost of electricity is 102% above the national average.  In five years our government schools have

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Berkeley Law Dean:  No Need for U.S. Senate; Berkeley Professor Wants Elon Musk Arrested

How about a Congress that does not have a Senate?  “Meanwhile over at MSNBC, UC Berkeley School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky told the audience choices made in the creation of the U.S. Constitution have “come to haunt us” — the main

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The pot farm next door: Black market weed operations inundate California suburb, cops say

Once California legalized marijuana, the sky was the limited for ILLEGAL marijuana growth.  Can you, by smoking the weed tell the difference between legal and illegally grown pot?  Can the cops tell the difference?  Of course not.  The real goal

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