In a few weeks the Cal State system will open for the new term. Within days the Cal State system will be closed down when the Hamas/Nazis come back from vacation ready for bullying, campus and dorm closures, encampments and
Author: Stephen Frank
Kamala Harris the CA AG for Planned Parenthood—NOT California
Kamala Harris was the California Attorney General supporting illegal aliens, criminals, special interests and Planned Parenthood. Her office was a lobbying group for a few, harming most Californians. She went after a private citizen that SHOWED Planned Parenthood was breaking
San Jose school bond could fund teacher housing–HOUSING INSTEAD OF EDUCATION
The San Jose School district has given up on education as the priority of its money, workers and efforts. Instead, they are looking to become housing developers, not educators. “San Jose’s largest school district is counting on voters to approve
California’s fracking ban goes into effect in October–DOOM LOOP DEATH SPIRAL
Gavin Newsom has declared the month that tens of thousands of well paying jobs are closed. He has declared that refineries not have enough oil to refine, he has declared that the cost of gas has to go up—and create
California fast food UNIONS want another minimum wage increase
Thanks to the $20 an hour minimum wage. Which started on April 1 for fast food workers, the crazy unions are now asking for ANOTHER minimum wage increase. And, no employer will make this decision. No elected official or vote
Mass Layoffs Hit California as Businesses Fail, Organization Leaves State
California is in a DOOM LOOP. In October Sacramento will implement a ban on fracking—causing the end of numerous oil fields, well paying jobs, the closing of refineries—and a massive increase in the cost of goods and services—and create our
Long a political minority, SF Republicans eye expansion in 2024
Great news—the San Fran GOP is going to make a choice between the evil of the Democrat Party and the “lesser” evil of the Democrat Party. Literally, if they support Democrats for San Fran office, they are saying THEY are
Dumbest Story of the Year: Judge orders lawyers for UCLA and Jewish students to craft plan to ensure equal campus access
How dumb is the UCLA Administration? How dumb is the Federal Judge in ordering attorneys and Jewish Students to provide a plan to ensure “equal;” campus access? That is already the law—no plan is needed, just enforce the laws. Arrest
California Regulators Propose Gov’t Takeover Of Oil Refineries To Stave Off Energy Crisis–Form Socialist State
This is how socialism works. First government limits the amount of oil that can be drilled. Newsom and Harris oppose fracking. Then there is not enough oil to operate the refineries. So, they are then taken over by the government—and
Unions force workers to pay bribes—then use the money to elect politicians that support cartels, illegal aliens, higher taxes and policies that kill jobs. Follow the Money. Politicians take money from unions, then negotiate contracts with them. Follow the Money.