The legalization of marijuana has been the greatest financial boon for cartels, gangs and China. We the people are the losers. “Greenfield indicates legalizing marijuana provided the cartels and the Triad with a profitable and semi-legal market that gives them
Author: Stephen Frank
It’s In the Air We Breathe: CARB and Racial Equity
Did you know that the air is racist? “Because the concept is so squishy and/or not exactly real and merely an academic political construct intentionally created to be wielded as a societal hammer, the framework includes a couple of definitions:
As Newsom brags, all California job growth is in government
Newsom is going to use all of his failures, such as deficits, high crime rates, homeless failures, and now his phony job report as the reason to elect him President. “California’s state-funded, non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office found the private sector
Environmental approval now complete for LA-San Fran high speed route
Great news for the scammer, grifters and corrupt vendors. The train to nowhere got environmental approval—for something that is not going to be built. Yes, they have spent about $20 billion—but the State and Feds are deep in debt and
Biden Flying Illegal Aliens, Deported Under Trump, Back to U.S.
President Trump deported illegal aliens. Now the demented Joe Biden has found them—and flying them back to the United States, to be illegal aliens once again. This is not a joke—except on the people of the United States. “The Biden
After Missing Housing Goals, SF Has Permit Process Slashed Under New State Law
San Fran finally did what it needed to do, make it easier to get permits to build housing. Of course they need to build 82,000 per Dictator Newsom—even if that would destroy what is left of the former world class
Jewish prosecutors in blue city blow whistle on alleged antisemitism in Los Angeles DA’s office
Socialists, like Karl Marx hate Jews. So it is not surprising the George Soros LA DA George Gascon is also anti-Semitic. “But according to a number of Los Angeles prosecutors, there was notable silence from the district attorney tasked with
California trucking industry backs curbs on PAGA citizen-initiated labor lawsuits
Every once in a while the Sacramento Democrats when facing massive economic consequences of their policies, do the right thing. “Shimoda summed up the issue that California business has had with PAGA: “It’s long been a problem for California’s entire
Biden’s in trouble, but here are 5 reasons Dems won’t tap Gavin Newsom for White House run
California is in a DOOM LOOP. Newsom has worked hard to end Democracy in California—he even sued to stop 1.2 million voters to have a tax limitation measure on the ballot. He is now working to confuse voters, to stop
California Electric Company Announces It’s Turning Off Power for Thousands of Residents Amid Heat Wave and Raging Fires
The State of California has created regulations that if wind and heat is too much, electricity has to be shut down. Of course if they managed the forests, cleaned up the brush, cut out the dead trees this would not