The Democrats went to Plan B to stop the partial repeal of Prop.47—the rime promotion ballot measure the voters were scammed into supporting a few years ago. The Legislative Democrats created several silly bills, claimed they fixed Prop. 47 (they
Author: Stephen Frank
Here’s the DNC’s New Plan to Quiet Calls For Biden Replacement After Disastrous Debate
We will know by July 21 if the obviously demented Biden stays in the race for President. That is the tentative date the Democrats will hold a virtual convention and nominate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Yesterday the first Democrat
Federal Judge sides with Louisiana and strikes down Joe Biden’s illegal assault on American energy
Joe Biden wants us to buy our oil from Iran, Venezuela and indirectly from Russia. He wants to close down our oil industry and Build the terrorist/communist nations financial hold on the world—and to finance wars against us. “Judge Cain’s
Jury Rules in Favor of Freedom: Blue Cross BlueShield of Tennessee Ordered to Pay Almost $700,000 to Employee Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine
This is another lawsuit showing the fraud and corruption of government—forcing workers to take a dangerous, untested vaccine—that was NOT a vaccine. This will cost the taxpayers either directly from general funds or from higher insurance rates. “In a landmark
Newsom’s ‘Hail Mary’ Proposition to Neuter the Reform Prop 47 Ballot Initiative Goes to the Legislature
The Democrats are working hard to end Democracy in California. Newsom and his buddies sued to get a tax control measure, signed by 1.2 million voters, off the ballot. Now, 900,000 have signed for a measure to repeal the Pro-Crime
Kern sees oil property tax revenue falling 25% amid permitting slowdown
Thanks to Newsom and Biden, the people of Kern County have lost 25% of their oil tax revenues. That means higher taxes, costlier gas and oil products and a cut in basic government services. “But a staff report said circumstances
UCLA Riots Were About So Much More Than Just The Israel-Hamas War
The recent Hamas/Nazi take over of UCLA was not the start, but the culmination of years of radical, fascist professors, policies and the end of free speech on the campus. ““Let’s fight for a socialist world, and against this vicious
Trees Have Become a Hidden Source of Air Pollution in Los Angeles
We have been told that cow farts, synthetic grass, even people are the cause of climate change. The LA Times 5/5/23: “Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s 2006 promise to plant 1 million trees fell about halfway short, and more than 1 in 5 street
SB 867 – Proposed Climate Bond for November Ballot
The State has a real $80 billion deficit. Using tax increases, moving of dates for projects, taking from the reserves of over 200 State agencies and more, Newsom is pretending he has a balanced budget. But we have been told
LA council committee approves motion to study feasibility of banning synthetic turf
We were told that we had to save water. So we were incentivized by government (using our tax dollars) to either use rocks or synthetic grass as ground cover. Now, after we bought the synthetic grass are being told that