We have over 100,000 fewer people employed in California than a year ago. The budget includes $18 billion in tax increase—but a trailer bill to be passed before June 30 includes billions more in tax increases. Last year Newsom cried
Author: Stephen Frank
Nurses’ union ordered to pay $6.26 million to Riverside hospital over pandemic-era strike
This is man bites dog story. It is very rare that a union is forced to pay a fine for striking. Maybe because in this case, it was nurses that put lives in danger. Note the nurses did not strike
So, That’s Why The Washington Post Refused to Disclose This Key Detail About Israel’s Hostage Rescue
Did you know the Washington Post uses Al Jazeera journalist to cover the hamas/nazi-israeli war? Did you know one of the Al Jazeera journalists actually held captive some of the hostages—no worries, that reporter is now dead—he was trying to
White House Asks Migrants To Hold Off On Raping And Murdering Any More Americans Until After Election
Biden is in trouble. While this is a satire, his campaign does need to beg the illegal aliens to hold off on rape, murder and selling of drugs, till after November 5. Every illegal alien crime reminds the public that
Lack of reliable education data hamstrings California lawmakers and the public
Government schools are failures. We see the results every day. Over half of California high school graduates do not qualify for a State College or UC school in California. Try asking a HS graduate about history, civics or how to
Schwarzenegger: ‘Climate change dialogue’ not going to work
I finally agree with Arnold Schwarzenegger, but he still refuses to take responsibility for his part is starting this multi-trillion scam—climate change. When Governor he created AB 32—and, in the long run, that ended the future of California—and the national
Democracy Just Died a Painful Death in California
Democracy is when the people, by majority vote get to elect officials and pass legislation. The Democrat Party just became the ANTI-DEMOCRACY in California. Guv Newsom and his Democrat buddies sued to get a pro-taxpayer measure off the ballot—and they
Los Angeles Will Require Photo ID For Homeless Luxury Hotel Living But Not Voting
Getting on a plane demands use of an ID. Using a check demands, the use of an ID. LA has built a $600,000 a unit housing facility for the homeless—and they have to use an ID. Voting? Even the dead
Biden sees open borders and terrorists, drug cartels, human sex traffickers and rapists coming across our borders in the future. Trump sees a future where the borders are closed to illegal aliens—and those already here are sent back to their
‘Keep Religion Out Of Our Schools,’ Says Teacher With BLM, Pride Flags In Classroom
The hypocrisy of the Left has once again been exposed. They are upset that the Ten Commandants are to be put in Louisiana classrooms—while in New York and California, among other States, violence promoting BLM flags are allowed flags promoting