What a joke. Have you been to the OC lately? Wall to wall homes and commercial centers. Affordable housing—only for the rich. What is affordable in OC is expensive everywhere else. “Adam Wood, vice president of the Building Industry Association
Author: Stephen Frank
These California schools connect kids to community services. Will they survive budget cuts?
Government schools have ended being educational facilities. They have become social welfare operations. “Gov. Gavin Newsom launched the community school initiative with $4.1 billion in grants to connect students and their families to medical care, counseling and other services. Budget cuts
Another New Gas Tax: CA Gas Prices to Increase Another 50-Cents with ‘Clean Air Tax’
California is not satisfied having the highest gas tax in the nation. To assure this, EVERY July 1 the tax goes up. But this is not enough. Now, CARB is going to raise our gas tax by 50 cents a
Newsom Caught Lying: Raising $18 BILLION in Taxes to “Fix” His Deficit
Is Gavin Newsom a liar or does he, like Joe Biden have dementia? He has clearly stated that he would not raise taxes to fix HIS deficit of about $80 billion. Yet, his proposed budget includes $18 billion in new
Harvard, UC Berkeley are teaching students that you win at life by being obnoxious
Berkeley has over 35,000 students. Of that number less than 500 actual students tried to close down the school. So, the weak kneed Administrations, fearing for their jobs gave in to the 500 and harmed almost 35,000. “Students at Harvard
Senate Appropriations Committee Stops Wilk’s Bill Expanding Sex Ed Transparency
Government school work hard to keep information from parents. State Senator Wilk presented a bill, so parents could know about the sex ed being taught and promoted in schools. The Democrats wanted to make sure it is next to impossible
Teachers, school boards threaten to sue over Gov. Newsom’s fix for revenue shortfall
Newsom gave us a $80 billion deficit—to fix it he is raising taxes by $18 billion and stealing half of the State Reserves and the Reserves of over 200 State agencies. In part he is cutting back education funding—but few
48,000 California Student Workers Vote to Strike Due to Protest Crackdowns
Imagine. We pay 48,000 people at our State Universities who support the Hamas/Nazi’s. This tells me our campuses are not safe for Jews or Christians—or people who oppose genocide. “If you want to see what happens when the inmates are
Should Newsom be Indicted for Illegal Aliens Raping TWO Women?
Guv Newsom has been clear—he wants as many illegal aliens to take up residence in California. He will give them drivers licenses, welfare, free education and free health care. Best of all, he does not care if they are career
Bialosky: Racing to Control Trump
Let Trump be Trump. I prefer mean tweets to inflation, illegal aliens and World War III. Control Trump? Control Trump, not possible. It is the results that count. Biden is trying to destroy our government so not even Trump can