The Marxist Mayor of Los Angeles allowed janitors to be held hostage, classrooms invaded and closed, the UCLA campus be vandalized—all by the Hamas/Nazi movement. Her allowing this shows her support of the hate Jews movement—only when forced to do
Author: Stephen Frank
Eber: Howard Beale died for our sins
We are living in dangerous and disgusting times. Jerry Seinfeld has 40 Nazi supporters walk out on him, in a crowd of approximately 20,000—and the media is concerned about the 40 mentally ill people. Illegal aliens are killing, raping and
Subway Or Monorail For The Sepulveda Pass? Metro And Local Residents Weigh Their Options
Tens of billions of dollars will be spent on a train—possibly a monorail or subway, in the Sepulveda Pass in Los Angeles. A few years ago they spent almost ten years and $10 billion to add a lane in the
Stein: Earth’s reserves of fossil fuel resources may start to dry up in the next 50 to 100 years.
This is a disturbing trend. “Earth’s reserves of fossil fuel resources are not being replenished, and the” well” will run dry. At the current alarming extraction rates of oil, coal, and natural gas resources from Planet Earth, the 1800s may
Los Angeles Slips Further into Decline–Doom Loop
LA is a war zone. Failed government schools. A DA that protects criminals. The President and Governor protects illegal aliens “The result was the exodus of the Millennials when they finally reached their delayed Family Age. Because densification and other
Biden Declares Administration Will Never Leave Anyone Behind, Except Those Americans Held Hostage By Hamas, Or Trapped When Afghanistan Fell, Or Killed Accidentally By A Drone, Or Murdered By Illegal Immigrants
Biden just took our troops out of Niger—leaving that country to a totalitarian regime. He did that to Afghanistan and wants Israel killed off. While this is satire—everything in it is true—the joke is on us. Biden Declares Administration Will
Stein: ‘NO Climate Crisis’ Says Coalition of 1,600 Actual Scientists
Fauci said follow the science. He didn’t and a million people died, the economy was destroyed and our kids lost education opportunities, while churches were sued if they stayed open. ““There is ‘NO Climate Crisis’ says a coalition of 1,600
Removing hundreds of LA County probation officers from field duties sparks court delays, diminished oversight
Why is crime out of control? Why is Los Angeles a war zone? LA County is taking 250 probation officers from the field. If each has a caseload of only ten, that means 2500 young criminals no longer have to
Judge advances swath of DA’s homelessness suit against Sacramento
A Judge is allowing the Sacramento County DA to sue the city of Sacramento. Why? Because the city is spending lots of money, but homelessness continues to grow. “— A lawsuit filed against the city of Sacramento by the county
East San Jose teachers demand raises to meet cost of living
The school district has a deficit. The State and Federal governments have deficits. That does not stop the teacher’s union to want more money. That money will come from the books, technology and equipment students need. And, a lack of