Newsom is working hard to get the Dearborn, Michigan vote—at the expense of the American vote and Democracy. “Newsom’s statement comes as anti-Israel protests and encampments have sprouted up on university and college campuses across the United States, calling for a ceasefire
Author: Stephen Frank
Chair Tim O’Reilly INVITES Biden Supporter to Speak to LAGOP
Does it surprise anyone that LAGOP Chair Tim O’Reilly wants to cut the number of CAGOP delegates by 16%? This may be the first time in California GOP history that a GOP Chair promotes a Democrat candidate for President! O’Reilly
LA County’s quality of life drops back to lowest-ever level, UCLA says
Yes, this is about LA County. Really it is about the State of California. Almost every county is facing the same challenges, forced by State and Federal laws and regulations killing the economy, protecting criminals and bringing in millions of
Why owning a home in San Fran has never cost more
While this story is about the collapsing city of San Fran, it is really about the State of California. These problems are being faced by people throughout the State. “Home prices in San Francisco may have settled down from the record
Oblivious UCLA protesters call for ‘intifada,’ decry ‘genocide’ but can’t define either, video shows
Nazi’s have taken over UCLA. The modern day Nazi Youth at UCLA, led by professors are calling for the killing of Jews—and Christians that support Israel. “Higby, 24, “infiltrated” the UCLA encampment this week, holding a sign that said, “Israel
Biden Killing Off San Diego
If you try to get on a plane at SD Lindbergh Field, you have to have ID that is accepted by TSA. If you are a criminal from a foreign country, they give you a separate line and easily get
States Embrace Climate Action Plans Under the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Rancho Cucamonga has decided to end local rule. Its housing, transportation and zoning rules are being based on United Nations standards—not American or citizen’s standards. “Once climate actions plans become law or have ordinances attached to them, property owners will
Bialosky: Get Off My Highway
Terrorists have taken over freeways and streets. Nazi terrorist screaming about killing Jews and ending the State of Israel, doing the job Hitler did not do, has moved the Biden Administration to call this “free speech”. The Feds spied on
Peacock Streaming Service Lost $639 Million in Q1
Expected news—NBC/Peacock lost $639 million. Who wants to watch radical, Leftist propaganda? Folks want entertainment, not indoctrination. They want laughs to cry, not a political rally. “The Wrap even put “narrows” in the headline… “Peacock Narrows Streaming Loss to $639
California elections watchdog investigating Alameda district attorney recall campaign
Lawfare is the way the Left win’s elections and depresses activism. Now the FPPC has decided to interfere in the Recall of the Criminal supporting Alameda County DA, Pamela Price. “The commission announced late Friday that it is investigating complaints