California has a $68 billion deficit. 56% of California high school graduates do not qualify for State colleges or the UC system. The more we spend on homeless, the more homeless we have. Newsom has an open borders policy. The
Author: Stephen Frank
Gavin Newsom facing legal action from fired Jewish general for alleged antisemitic discrimination, harassment
UC professors and kindergarten teachers in California have expressed support for the HAMAS massacre of Jew—and demanding the end of Israel. Teachers and professors insult and demean Jewish students. Our “Liberal” Governor Newsom has been silent. He has allowed these
Most California high school seniors shut out of even applying to the state’s universities
I have written many times about government education is a failure in California. Now we know how bad it is. A California high school diploma is worthless to more than half those that graduate. Could this be why the absentee
Audit Blasts LA County for Failing Homeless and Mentally Ill, $286M Unspent
The March primary has Sacramento asking for a $6.4 billion bond—($12.8 billion when you include interest) to help the homeless and mentally ill. Is it needed? Or does the money already exist for these purposes—and even if approved, would it
Newsom’s Administration Will Stop at Nothing to Go After Parental Rights
Newsom sends his children to private schools. He and his wife, I presume, have taught them not to lie. But, he wants teachers, paid for by taxpayers to LIE to parents, by OMISSION about the social and emotion health of
California introduces rule to end fracking in the state
California has among the highest cost of gas. We already know that EV’s are expensive, unreliable and sometimes dangerous. While Newsom and his Sacramento crazies are forcing the end of the use of gas stoves, gas cars, gas air and
CA Coastal Types Singing Wind Turbine Blues: Help, Help Me, Rhonda! Get ‘Em Outta My Park!
Radicals want to end the use of fossil fuel to energize our society. In its place they want wind turbines—bird killers—on the ocean. Now they are making mandates for this to happen. But can they actually build these wind turbines?
California’s plastic bag ban didn’t work. Lawmakers seek more restrictions
Here is more proof that government and Progressives are incompetent. Several years ago, Sacramento Democrats outlawed plastic bags at grocery stores. But, they allowed new types of plastic bags to replace them. The purpose? To save the whales from eating
Steve Garvey: LA Dodger—Draft Dodger—or Both
Steve Garvey: LA Dodger—Draft Dodger—or Both This is a simple story of white privilege and a self-centered entitled athlete. Steve Garvey played baseball and other sports for Michigan State. At no time did he mention his “headaches” nor did his
Texas Republican Party censures Speaker Dade Phelan for ‘lack of fidelity’ to GOP principles
This is how the Texas GOP handles GOP officials who opposes GOP principles. Could this be why they have a strong Republican Party? Could this be why the California Republican Party is so weak? Assemblyman Devon Mathis and others wanted