Sunday is an unofficial American Holiday. The last Kansas City Chiefs game, to get them into the Super Bowl, had 55 million people watching. The game on Sunday will have many more than that. It you call anybody during the
Author: Stephen Frank
47-year-old tortilla factory ditching Bay Area for Kansas
You know the economics of California, a State with millions of Hispanic residents when a tortilla factory is moving to Kansas. Kansas has TOTAL of 2.9 million people—and its Hispanics population is 11%–300,000. The city of Santa Ana alone, a
The Illegal Immigrant Industrial Complex
Like the Homeless Industrial Complex, the Illegal Alien Complex is based not on helping those in need—but to provide support for donors, unions and special interests. The more we provide “assistance” to illegal aliens, the more illegal aliens we have.
California beefs up prosecutors in Alameda County amid crackdown on robberies, drugs
Last week the presidential candidate Gavin Newsom sent 150 California Highway Patrol offices to Alameda County to protect the people—the local cops had been defunded. Now he is sending State prosecutors, since the local DA does not prosecute criminals and
California proposal for universal healthcare bans private care, doubles spending
This University of California system is buying up as many private hospitals as possible—on our way to government ownership of hospitals and control over your health care. Will they use patient need or DEI as the basis for admittance, operations
Why Are Red State Republicans Often Such Losers?
You would expect a Senator elected from Utah would be a strong supporter of limited government and the Constitution. Instead they have Mitt Romney, a Democrat registered as a Republican. Oklahoma has a Senator that WANTS to allow two million
The collapse of California’s news industry is so severe it’ll require taxpayer support to rebuild
In the midst of a crime wave, the LA Times endorsed George Gascon for re-election as the L.A. District Attorney. Gascon is the wholly owned DA of the Soros organization—cashless bail, few prosecutions, protecting illegal alien criminals from being deported
The good news, bad news on California’s water supplies, drought after record rainfall
Nature has given us needed water. Newsom is making sure we can not use it. He is now using money the voters gave Sacramento to create new water facilities to demolish FOUR dams, without providing replacements. “Agency efforts to capture more
$13 Billion (Principal/Interest) Bond to HARM Mentally Ill—Help Unions/Developers
Now we have the evidence that the Newsom $13 billion bond for the “mentally ill” hurts the mentally ill. Money will be taken from treatment for the homeless mentally ill and given to the unions, greedy developers and special interests.
Heard on the Tom/Toms Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 2/8/24 SUZETTE VALADARES: She is Why the GOP has no credibility Suzette Valadares—OPPOSES Trump for President. But Chief No Trumper in State, CRP Chair Jessica