Hollywood Streaming Carnage: NBCUniversal’s Peacock Lost $2.7 Billion in 2023

MSNBC refuses to play any of the Trump speeches—so why should folks watch a news channel that refuses to present the news.  The NBC shows, are mostly WOKE, telling white people they are racists, men that they are predators, religious

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Kaiser to Oakland workers: stay inside for work – and lunch

How dangerous is Oakland?  Kaiser Permanente is asking its Oakland employees NOT to go outside the facility for lunch! “Kaiser Permanente, Oakland’s largest private employer, has issued a memo directing workers in downtown Oakland to stay in their buildings for lunch and

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Grade inflation common at Berkeley and other elite colleges

Grade inflation is theft, corruption and demeans legitimate education.  Berkeley and other major colleges have decided to just give grades, not caring if the student learned anything. “It should be noted that grade inflation is not unique to Berkeley. Nearly 80% of

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New California ruling targets pension ‘spiking’ as retirees appeal for relief

This is how government agencies pay off those who played ball—they spike the pensions of retirees.  Totally illegal, but still part of the job. “The changes add up. Ventura’s retirement fund has estimated that some retirees could lose a couple hundred

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California’s Disastrous Minimum Wage Hike Offers A Cautionary Tale To Congress

No later than April 1 in California your taco will cost more, your burger will cost more and tens of thousands of workers will lose their job.  All because the Sacramento Democrats prefer people on welfare than working. “In other

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