Once again the UC system allows the destruction of free speech—and promotion of hate. “Jewish students at University of California-Berkeley (UC Berkeley) were forced to leave campus after a mob of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protesters shut down their speaking event featuring
Author: Stephen Frank
Cupertino City Council nixes tax measure from ballot
This is great. One of the richest and radical cities in America, Cupertino, home of Apple, has realized that the cost of taxes is too high!! Glad to see the rich finally feeling the pinch of incompetent, mismanaged, corrupt and
Reform Needed to Protect Angelenos’ Wallets from City Hall and Public Sector Unions
If you thought your vote counted, forget about it. Unless you are a union or radical special interest, the L.A. City Council is bought and paid for. “This year, Mayor Bass and the Krekorian led City Council approved budget busting
How All Americans Are Paying for San Fran’s Pork-Barrel Spending
San Fran, America’s dying city, is a leech on all of us—whether they live in “the bidet by the Bay” or a farm in Iowa. “A pair of recent stories from San Francisco have highlighted the wealthy city’s severe mismanagement.
$61 Million in California Film Tax Credits Unveiled
The Hollywood billionaires, who want YOU to pay higher taxes, allow criminals free control of the streets, love drugs and hate free speech, now are legally stealing your money. “The California Film Commission (CFC) announced on Monday that they would
California Democrats Setting Race Relations Back 70 Years with ACA 7
UCLA, UC Davis, Cal State LA, Cal Poly and the other State colleges and universities are as racist as the Alabama schools in the 1950’s. Our school, like those of the 1950 Alabama are segregated. That is Democrat promoted racism—remember,
Legislative analyst projects bigger funding drop for schools, community colleges
Some articles are valuable for what they DON’T REPORT. In this case, it is not noted that k-12 enrollment has a massive decline. Nor does it note the MORE government spends on education, the worse the results. While racism and
Heard on the Tom/Toms Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 2/28/24 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com 1.Looks like Steve Garvey, who refuses to meet with activists and GOP clubs is also stiffing the media. CalMatters invited Senate candidates to answer
Imagine someone in America, on December 8. 1941, calling for a ceasefire against the Japanese or Nazi’s. They would have been run out of town. But, Biden and most Democrats are calling for a ceasefire by Israel against Hamas—who is
Newsom’s approval rating slips below 50% for first time
This is news you will not see at the top of a news broadcast. Gavin Newsom, while traveling nationally is not liked in California. “The survey found that 47 percent of adults approve of Newsom’s job performance, the first time