Government grows at the expense of the private sector and families. We pay the salary—and the bureaucrats want more money, more personnel, more regulations. “Another indication that things are not going well for the private sector. As the county government budget
Author: Stephen Frank
Firms face financial woes, conduct layoffs due to litigation targeting DEI-based grants: Report
Great news—bigots are being sued out of business. The racist industry is finally being sued for discrimination, hate and being charlatans. “The companies invested in Fearless’ initiative to help “Women of Color” businesses receive Venture Capital funding, an effort that helps solve
Self-checkouts are disappearing from retailers. Here’s why
I hate self checkouts at Walmart, Stater Bros. and any place that uses them. They seldom work, hard to bag your goods and never sure about payment. Yes, in Stater Bros. in Simi Valley they have six self checkouts stations—and
Bialosky: Biden’s Foreign Policy
My good friend Bruce Bialosky has written a story about the foreign policy of Joe Biden. I did not know he had one. It seems Biden will do whatever the Chinese want, he is afraid of Putin—his newest round of
Follow up to CLU’s Leadership Opinion Poll Results
MIT, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania all have or had crazy bigots and Jew haters as Presidents. California Lutheran College may have the most disliked President—just a general, all around hater of freedom, free speech and education. A poll of the
White Privilege: The Story of One Boy
This is a story about the founding of our nation. While it talks about one family, it is a microcosm of those who started a nation based on freedom. Every American has a story of struggle, hardship and scandal in
Unpaid bills increase in California, nationwide
The Feds have a $34 Trillion deficit. California has an “official” $73 billion deficit—though it is probably closer to $90 billion, since revenues are plummeting. L.A. and San Fran have close to one billion in deficit. California school districts are
Orange County: UNELECTEDS, Appointed by Superintendent Tries to Control Education
No one has seen the Orange County Superintendent of Education in over a year. Yet his ghost like hand is working hard to assure the ELECTED members of the Board have no say or control over the education system. “The
Walters: Sacramento, California’s capital, is also the capital of official sneakiness
Want to find a criminal? Go to a jail or prison. Or go to City Hall. Think of the massive number of city council members and city officials convicted of crimes in L.A. and San Fran, for example. “City officials’
Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government
Senator Goldwater said, “Any government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take it away.” Are rights to religion freedom of speech, not be a slave, independent thought a product of government? If so, which