I like a good discussion. Whether you agree with the author or not, it should open your thoughts to what government is about, should be about and how, whether it is Trump or Reagan, either are better than the inflation
Author: Stephen Frank
Santa Clarita bus driver strike continues into 50th day–Anybody Care or Notice?
The Santa Clarita bus folks are on strike—for more than 50 days. If you travel in that town you will see the buses—when they ran—are empty. Almost no one is one the bus. So, if they stay on strike, it
Teachers Conference Lecture Declares Math a ‘Tool of Oppression’
Why do we allow the mentally ill and the racists (is that redundant?) to teach our kids or be anywhere near children? “Math can oppress students of color due to the inequitable system it was developed under, according to a
Record Number of NICS (Gun) Background Checks on Black Friday 2023
Great news—even liberals realize their lives are endangered by the radical Left killing law enforcement. “The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) noted the FBI conducted 214,913 NICS checks on Black Friday, easily surpassing the 192,749 NICS checks conducted on Black Friday
Why Does My ‘Efficient’ Dishwasher Take a Zillion Minutes for a Load?
Thanks to government, life is more expensive and dirtier. “For months, Donna King experimented with the various settings of her washing machine, trying to get her clothes to stop coming out covered in detergent residue. In the era of tightening
This large California city is poised to ban single-use plastics
Want to know how to provide second class service and higher costs? Have government determine the products you use and sell. Not the customers, but government. “The ban, which would take effect next year, is similar to those already enacted
We Know Who the Antisemites Are. They’re From the Left and Hate the West
Finally, someone is willing to admit that Jew hating is from the Left—just has those that hate blacks and others are from the Left. The Left thinks blacks are too stupid to get into college, get a job or get
Housing bill that makes no sense at all moves forward with reluctant committee vote in San Fran
San Fran is a slum. It smells, people are fleeing. Yet Newsom and his developer buddies want to build more housing—not affordable housing, but housing for the rich. “But the city has little choice: Thanks to State Sen. Scott Wiener
Heard on the Tom/Toms Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 11/29/23 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com Mathis To Retire From Assembly—Gave Us Billion $$$ PLUS Per Year Cap and Trade Tax It was reported by the SJ Sun that Devon
Eber: Demo policies of destruction
Democrat hate Israel—while other Democrats Hate Hamas. Now we find Democrats that are concerned about the borders, like the Mayor or New York, and Democrats like Schiff and Porter who do not think we are doing enough to bring more