If you like fiction you can watch NCIS or Law and Order SUV—or you can watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or NBC. If you want real laughs, don’t watch reruns of Seinfeld—watch “The View” and see grown women have a
Author: Stephen Frank
$162B California fuel cost hike pushed by EV makers, paid for by poorer drivers
Thanks to Newsom and one of his Commissions, the cost of gas in California is about to go up by over .60 cents—and that is just the start. He has another Commission working on adding about $1.20 MORE to the
Are the Pomona College Students the MOST Stupid and Mentally Ill in the Nation?
This is NOT satire. This is not from the Babylon Bee or the Onion. It is a story about seriously mentally ill students OR the dumbest kids in the nation. Based on American history, Trump will become the 47th President
Caldwell: The Degrowth Movement Grows
I live in Simi Valley. Both Friday and Saturday nights our power went off for several hours. Though I was never a Boy Scout, I believe to be prepared. So, we have a Generec generator and our power and lights
Christians in tech drive religious revival in SF
In the 1970’s and 80’s the evangelical Christian movement was drive by young people and young families. Is it possible the new religious revival will also be driven young people—especially those in the tech industry? “The multiday event was themed
Campbell spends remaining COVID dollars on community projects
The City of Campbell is abusing Federal tax dollars—and Biden/Harris will not stop it. Money was given to government agencies during COVID to keep jobs open and stabilize the community while the Democrats killed off the economy. Now Campbell is
School board results show wins on conservative and progressive sides
The fight for responsible government has found its way to school districts. It is now the parents and community vs. unions and radical special interests. It is education vs. indoctrination. The fight is about the future—educated students are radical haters.
Nancy Pelosi Begins Drafting Articles Of Impeachment–Satire or Reality?
While this is satire—it could be reality. Before Trump took office in 2017, Pelosi and friends had already started the infamous impeachment effort. The votes on Nov. 5 showed that the American public understood the corruption and fraud of Pelosi
New Oakland secondhand-smoke law should apply to marijuana, too
Marijuana is 10x more toxic and cancer causing than cigarettes. So, why do we allow marijuana on the streets and now is special café’s? “Secondhand marijuana smoke has many of the same carcinogens and toxic chemicals as secondhand tobacco smoke, along with
What Does Fraud/Corruption Look Like? The City of Campbell
The City of Campbell is abusing Federal tax dollars—and Biden/Harris will not stop it. Money was given to government agencies during COVID to keep jobs open and stabilize the community while the Democrats killed off the economy. Now Campbell is