In 2020 the people of California voted NOT to discriminate. The Democrats are furious. In 2024 they will come back with a bill for just a little bit of discrimination. “Though voters soundly rejected an effort to legalize affirmative action
Author: Stephen Frank
How ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Can Be Disruptive Force to End Child Sex Slavery
Democrats have had no problem opening the borders to drug, terrorists, criminals and sex slavers. The worst of the slavers are those that bring in little kids. If that is not enough the Democrats demands that as many babies as
Santa Monica BID Votes to Move Ahead with Private Security Plan for Promenade
Businesses in the Marxist city of Santa Moscow, ur, Monica, have given up on the police. While paying high taxes for police protection, which they do not get, they are about to hire PRIVATE security to keep their businesses and
13-year-olds see largest ever drop in math scores; reading levels sink to 1975 average
Every day we hear Newsom, Biden and the Democrats tell us our kids need to learn about the LBGQT’s—never about the ABC’s. This is the result of the LACK of education: “Students aged 13 years old have had a never-before-seen
WOKE is Marginalizing Victims–Girls’, Parents, Society
Girls are forced to take showers with boys, against their will—the girls are victims—not the perverted boys. Six year old are told to lie by omission to their parents by teachers, the kids are the victims—not the teachers. Teachers are
San Fran Arrested or Cited 53 People for Drug Use. All Refused Treatment
In San Fran even the drug addicts have no fear of cops or the law. In a show that the Marxist Mayor of San Fran, London Breed, wants to save drug addicts, she had a few arrested—just so she could
California Moves Toward Giving Therapists Unconditional Power To ‘Emancipate’ 12 Year Olds From Their Parents
AB 665, which looks like it will pass will allow a stranger, someone you do not know or gave permission to talk to your child, will have FULL control of the kid—have the State take the kid and mutilate it—without
Heard on the Tom/Toms Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 6/23/23 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: 7 Core Principles of Conservatism NEED A SPEAKER FOR YOUR CLUB? Once a year I remind my readers that I
If you dislike Jews and Israel, you must love Democrats. Before World War 2, President Roosevelt would not let Jews into the country that fled Nazi Germany on the Exodus. Obama spent his years in the White House apologizing for
Tongues Of Fire Come To Rest On Biden And Fetterman As They Speak In Unknown Languages
The new winning slogan for Biden in 2024: BIDEN, A BETTER MAN THAN FETTERMAN Actually, that is barely accurate. Biden is demented and Fetterman has not recovered from his stroke. “Prominent theologians speculated the world may be on the cusp