The story below, by omission is inaccurate—it first appeared in the San Diego Union Tribune, not known for being accurate. Here is the truth from Supervisor Joel Anderson: “Ok gang, I spoke with Joel Anderson and here’s what he had
Author: Stephen Frank
Bialosky: It is Not a Mansion Tax
Los Angeles is working hard to become San Fran. Homeless encampments everywhere, even the former best neighborhoods. Crime is rampant, government schools are failures, folks are afraid to use unreliable, crime ridden, dirty and diseased government transportation. The city just
China using secret base in Cuba to spy on U.S., Biden admin official confirms
We know the Biden Crime Family has taken millions from the Communist Chinese Party and government. Is that why he is allowing them to spy on us from Cuba? President Kennedy stopped the Soviets from having missiles in Cuba—willing to
They Lied About COVID—Now Lying About Gas Stoves
The politicians and mental cases claiming they are Napoleon, ur, no, claiming they are environmentalists, lied about masks, social distancing, vaccines, the source of COVID and why churches and schools had to be closed. Now they want to wreck restaurants
Christians Under Attack In Santa Ana by City Government
Government closed our churches. In Santa Barbara schools they mock Christians. Government agencies make it difficult for People of Faith to adopt. The Sacramento Democrats have a bill to declare parents who want to help their mentally challenged children as
Women’s Cycling ELIMINATING WOMEN—Man Wins Women’s Race—Again!!
The Democrats and progressives are clear—women should be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen—not in the outside world of school, business or sports—or advertising. The way to do it is to eliminate women from sports by allowing MEN to compete,
Heard on the Tom/Toms Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 6/13/23 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: As Republicans/conservatives, we need an Old Testament attitude, not New Testament attitude (what do you think that means? (Correction from
CA School District Pulls ‘Piss Christ’ Photo from High School Course After Backlash from Parents, Students
Santa Barbara government schools are known for pornography in the classrooms and library. Also known for its grooming of little kids to be sexual animals. Now, this government school district tried to go after religion and mocking Christians. “The controversial
California Economic Collapse Seen Quickest in Bay Area
Some people need to see statistics to believe what they see every day. Here is more proof that the Bay area has economically collapsed. As people leave, the values of homes goes down. Also, watch as tax revenue continue to
Marxist L.A. Mayor Bass is a Racist: Kills Jobs for over 87 Hispanic Run Trucking Businesses
The Marxist Mayor of L.A., Karen Bass hates Hispanics. She kills a program that has existed for 130 years—killing the businesses and jobs of almost 100 Hispanics business owners. “Assembly Bill 5 — which requires companies to use a three-pronged