Want a job? Want more money? Want to be safe? Want your kids to get an education? If your answer is yes to these questions, then your answer is YES to leaving California. “Consider how often employment declines between quarters
Author: Stephen Frank
Green New Boondoggle: California’s Power Grid Needs $9 Billion to Go Green
For a mere $9 billion we can go broke quicker. The use of so called green energy is very expensive and unreliable. Yet, in the midst of a $31 billion deficit, the Governors people want to spend $9 billion on
Redwood City Voter Seeks to Invalidate Local Bond Measures
This story is about what one citizen can do to stop corrupt government from stealing. “Dirk van Ulden, Former San Mateo County Civil Grand Juror says “three Civil Grand Jury reports in nearby counties in just the past two years
Under the idea that California Democrats want to pay millions to black residents for “slavery”, the big question is who really pay. Does Kamala Harris, who is black have to pay since her Grandfather OWNED and sold slaves in Jamaica?
Joe Biden Moves to Cut Medicare Advantage
Joe Biden is screaming, incoherently, that the “MAGA Republicans” are trying to cut Social Security and Medicare. Guess, he has not, or can not read, his own policies. “The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced this week that they would
Federal Judges Say They Won’t Hire Clerks From Stanford Law School
Smart judges. These judges have decided that to be a law clerk to a Federal Judge you have to have the highest ethics, abilities and willing to follow the law. But, these Judges have found that students from Yale and
Social Security Trustees Forecast Significant Deterioration, 23% Benefit Cuts in Just 10 Years
You can hide this under the rug—but Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt. At this point the only way to save them is to raise taxes and age limits. Or, privatize the system and save the seniors. Guess which
One Hair Gel to Rule Them All: Newsom’s Plans to Conquer the Nation
I believe the hair gel has fried the brain of our elitist Governor. He is killing off the energy industry, agriculture—used his office and connections to get the Feds to fully cover the losses of Silicon Valley Bank—where he and
‘Super disappointed’: Lawmakers want UC to enroll more Californians sooner
Not enough California students want a worthless diploma is rioting and hate. This is disturbing legislators in Sacramento. Maybe if UCLA, UC Davis, UC Irvine stopped being schools that hate white and Asian people, Jews and free speech, kids might
LA County quietly introduces ‘decarceration’ effort to swap jail time with slap on wrist
This is a great way to make sure petty thieves always have a career. Even if caught, L.A. County will not punish then—no cash bail—and immediate release to the street to continue making more victims. “The proposal outlines that it