San Fran is asking the Feds to come in and stop the drug dealing in town. Are they nuts? All they have to do is allow the cops to arrest all the drug dealers and the cartels in town. No
Author: Stephen Frank
Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled
We know that Fauci is one of the largest serial killers in history, 300,000 deaths to his efforts. A million more people have been disabled due to the Fauci lies about the vaccine and COVID. The vaccine itself has caused
HEARD ON THE TOM/TOMS Heard on the Tom/Toms Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 4/3/23 Remember how we were told that even though Nathan Hochman LIED to us about his position on abortion (in the primary he was pro-life—immediately
Turn the California Legislature into a part-time profession
In 1966 on the November ballot, there was a ballot measure to make the legislature a full time job. Roald Reagan and most of the Republicans supported it—so the legislature could become “professional”. After 57 years we have seen the
Diversity Executives–the U.S. Version of Soviet Political Commissars
What is the difference between a Soviet Commissar and a “Diversity Official”? There is none. Unless you abide by the hate promoted by both, your career is off, and so may your life. “A political commissar or political officer is responsible for ideological
Cops Raided Farm To Seize 9-Year-Old’s Pet Goat So State Senator Could Serve It At Community Barbecue
This is a funny story. Not sure what to make of it. “Long also said she contacted Dahle and he didn’t mind saving the goat. “Making an exception for you will only teach our youth that they do not have
California Democratic Leader Proposed Lifting Red State Travel Ban a Day Before Newsom Announced Red State Tour
Hypocrisy, thy name is Gavin Newsom. He does not want the State of California to buy products from States that makes laws HE does not like. But when it comes to campaigning for President—he is allowed to go to these
As floods endanger the San Joaquin Valley, Newsom cuts funding for floodplains
The Hollywood Slicky has been working hard to kill off California agriculture. His opposition to pesticides, making it expensive to hire labor and his best work—stopping farms from getting water—has made him a champion of Mexico, Chile and other nations
California high schools are adding hundreds of ethnic studies classes. Are teachers prepared?
How do you destroy the education of the next generation? By not giving them an education, give them an indoctrination. In an era when science, math, language skills and an understanding of history in mandatory. Instead teach them to hate
The Misanthropic Delusions of California’s Ruling Class
Climate change is about corruption, power and control of the population. Facts mean nothing. If you question the premise or the science they declare you a denier and crazy. The time has come to laugh at them. When your Assembly