It takes a certified Liberal, like Bill Maher, to tell the truth about Hollywood Hypocrisy on policy. ““I can stand being a bad environmentalist because we all really are,” Maher continued. “I cannot stand being a hypocrite. And every single
Author: Stephen Frank
Eber: Tears shall drown the wind
Like the age of the horse and buggy, the age of BART and other government run, failed, rider less, costly, dirty, disease carrying, crime vehicles, home to the homeless, is over. “It is so bad; they may have to shut
San Diego Supervisor Fletcher Quitting State Senate Bid to Recover from PTSD, Early Trauma
In a series of tweets Sunday night, Fletcher says he’s suffered many years from “devastating post traumatic stress” tied to combat “piled on top of intense childhood trauma that’s been exacerbated by alcohol abuse.” Yes, Nathan Fletcher, the former Republican,
Plan to Solve Homelessness in SF Is Unfeasible, Says Department Tasked With Doing It
San Fran, the Bidet by the Bay, is just pretending to want to solve the housing problem in the city. Though the city has lost over 100,000 populations, Sacramento is demanding it build 82,000 new housing units. Why build more
3 reasons why California’s drought isn’t really over, despite all the rain
When you ask the wrong question, you get the wrong answer. Asking about the reasons the drought is not over is a nice question—but worthless. The right question is why there is a lack of water—and that question can be
BART to move forward with $90M new fare gate project
BART, which is losing money and riders, has decided to spend $90 million on new fare gates. It seems most do not want to pay high fares to ride a dirty, disease and crime ridden homeless housing vehicle. Looks like
Handyman turns the tables on squatters who took over his mother’s house
Since government would not give a man back his mothers home—allowing swatters to take it over—this real person did the job needed, without the help of courts or cops—both of which were either too expensive or refused to help. He
Riding a Gold Line train in the age of LA Metro anxiety
Ridership on all government transportation systems is falling, fast. Decent people stay away from dirty, disease and crime ridden buses and trains. But, we have now found a use for the trains—shelter for the homeless and a “safe” location to
Apple enjoys ‘symbiotic’ relationship with China, Cook says
Remember, when you use an Apple phone, computer or laptop, you are supporting the totalitarian, slave State of China. While American students are taught to hate this country and it heritage, laws and Constitution, Apple is financing the education of
New Report Claims Blackstone Group is Buying San Diego’s Affordable Housing, Hiking Up Rent Prices
There is more to this story than is being reported. The Blackstone Group is a Santa Monica based company that is buying up affordable housing in San Diego. First, why does any corporation get to buy affordable housing. Second, where