In California corruption is wide open and for the public to see—if they want to know. Maybe all that marijuana smoking has dulled the minds of Californians and they no longer care, as long as they can get high. “The
Author: Stephen Frank
The Green Surrender
Spain, Germany and England are collapsing. The cost of energy has more than doubled in the past year. These nations and others are now rationing energy to families and business. The economies are about to collapse. In California Newsom is
California advances bill punishing doctors for contradicting consensus on COVID-19
Actually I support this Progressive bill to punish doctors that LIE to the public. As conservatives we should use this new law to de-license every County Public Health Director that lied about masks, social distancing and mandating a dangerous, placebo
Are San Jose Police Salary Demands An Example of How Bay Area Is Unaffordable?
No wonder San Jose has defunded the police and now have a massive crime wave. They can no longer afford to hire cops. The salary noted does not include the benefits—maybe about $30-40,000 a year. “The current round of salary
Court of Appeals Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote in San Fran School Board Races—Despite Previous Court Ruling
A court ruled a few weeks ago, that the California Constitution demands that only American citizens vote in elections for school board. When asked to put a “stay” on that order, the judge said no—there is no argument that San
CA Legislature is Adjourned: What Bills Passed? What Failed?
This will give you an idea as to just some of the bills that passed or were defeated. Now we need to lobby the Governor to veto several of the bills that passed. We could remind him that signing the
Vaccines for teens without parental consent? Not this year, as bill is pulled
It looks like Sacramento Democrats got the measure from recent school board elections in Virginia and Florida. In those States the people revolted against the unions, bigots, Fauci and his totalitarian followers. The idea of a teacher being about get
California Democrats Fail to Increase Taxes on guns or take away guns
California Democrats are realizing that crime is a serious problem. They see the public is tired of the justice system protecting criminals and making more victims. The most radical of Democrats were trying to increase taxes on guns and ammunition—they
From Sri Lanka to Salinas: Will California Learn Anything from Sri Lanka’s Green Apocalypse?
Sri Lanka’s government and society has collapsed. So called Green Dream has caused a collapse of the economy. Look at Spain telling people not to have their air conditioning on at below 78%. Germany is rationing water and energy. In