California’s hefty tobacco taxes and bans have reduced funding for children’s programs

This is how California government works:  You create tax to end smoking and then spend the expected revenues.  The tax is so high people stop smoking and revenues goes down—but spending continues to go up.  That is part of the

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Growing electric vehicle sales bring concerns over safety hazards, toxicity, infrastructure costs

Like the COVID vaccines, Electric Vehicles are costly, dangerous and unreliable. “Flammability aside, EVs elicit concerns because of just how heavy they are compared to traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Many older parking garages were simply not built with

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‘The Great Dechurching’ hitting cities across America

Church theology, activism and attendance has changed—not for the better. “What becomes evident is American spirituality isn’t fading away; rather, it’s undergoing a transformation. YouTubers are also providing virtual tours of these dilapidated, graffiti-covered old churches, offering viewers a glimpse

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California’s GOP needs to stop being irrelevant. It’s time for a change in leadership.

The county with the largest number of registered Republican in the nation is Los Angeles.  It is also a County without a functioning Central Committee.  At its meeting last week, the Treasurer did not give a report, did not say

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