The Governor who refuses to obey the law and allow the death penalty, ordered by courts to be implemented, has no problem killing babies—yet calls himself a Failthful Catholic. He is as phony as his arrogant personality. ““And in the
Author: Stephen Frank
LA City Council Approves $25 Per Hour Wage Hike for Certain Healthcare Workers
The Los Angeles City Council has made it official. L.A. is no longer a free city where business owners and employees set wages. Instead, the City will tell the private hospitals what they must pay employees. Nothing stops the City
Students Fear Going to College in Red States After Roe It’s Scary’
Do you go to college for an education or an abortion? This article claims a good abortion is better than a quality class in history. “When she heard the news, she started to cry. “I’m not a big crier,” she
Gavin Newsom Just Dumped a Gallon of Kerosene on the Inflation Fire
Are the Democrats, led by demented Joe Biden, the Giggler in Chief Kamala Harris, the pretty boy King Gavin, suicidal? Policy after policy has failed and harmed Americans. The Biden family continues to get millions from the slave/terrorist nation of
Biden: I will Help You Kill Your Baby WITHOUT Telling Your Parents
Joe Biden wants your baby dead. What other excuse could there be for using your Federal tax dollars and employees to promote baby killing—he calls it abortion—and at the same time keeping this from the parents. For a man that
California workers found better paying jobs, but experts warn recession puts them at risk
We are entering a recession. So, King Gavin is closing down 10% of our energy supply, Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant—with no replacement. At the same time he is killing well paying jobs in the energy field. Also, he is
July 1: California price hikes include gas tax increase, Golden Gate Bridge toll, and BART tickets. Here’s what you’ll pay.
Congrats. California which has the highest cost of living, the highest gas prices in the nation has a Democrat controlled legislature that feels your pain. On July 1, in the midst of a recession, they raised the gas tax, raised
Walters: Sacramento Democrats: Demand You Buy From China—But Get Stoned, to Forget About it.
This is the priority of the Sacramento Democrats: tax breaks for pot smokers and force you to buy an EV—that has a battery that consist of lithium from China—ONLY. Who says Newsom and Democrat don’t protect China. “Most lithium is
Willie Brown: Chesa Boudin Should Run Again for San Fran DA—He Will win
I seldom agree with Willie Brown—certainly his choice in gold digging women, like Kamala harris is an example of poor judgement. But he is right, if the just Recalled Chesa Boudin runs again, he could be re-elected. That is because
San Fran: Young People Leave and COVID Goes Down
This article misses the real point. It appears that when young people leave town, COVID goes down. But in the long run this makes for a healthy town. How? Because when you give young people, especially men, the vaccine, they