In two years enrollment in government schools is down 270,000. ““Most people who move across state lines do so for housing, job, or family reasons,” Johnson writes. “Since 2015, among interstate movers who cite housing as the primary reason, California
Author: Stephen Frank
Why These Moms of Murdered Sons Want Justice From LA’s Progressive District Attorney
In L.A. if you are a crime victim, you are victimized twice. Once by the criminal and second by the D.A. who sides with the criminal against the victims. “Gascon is what Heritage Foundation legal fellows Cully Stimson and Zack
Antioch Pays $40,000 bonus to get Just ONE COP
Florida is willing to pay a bonus for every California cop that wants to come to a free State—a State that allows cops to arrest the criminals. As a bonus they save 13% of their pay by NOT having to
Dr. Colman reminds us what we should always know—government is greedy, radical and corrupt. It is not the drought, bad luck, bad schools or even racism. The cause of poverty is government policies. High taxes, crazy employment laws. But the
Governor Abbott Directs Texas to Send Illegal Migrants to D.C. on Charter Buses
Biden is upset. He is shipping tens of thousands of illegal aliens around the nation in the dead of night—refusing to tell the cities or States what he is doing. When the Mayors wake up in the morning they find
Job Killer Update: CalChamber Identifies 4 More Job Killer Bills
Years ago California had a tax on inventory—including that in warehouse in California. It was how the Nevada warehouse industry was created. The Nevada warehouse were near the California border—and the gained the State lots of jobs and revenues. Eventually
Black Lives Matter used donations to buy $6 million Southern California home: report
It appears that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have retired as hustlers and conmen. Now we have a new generation of corrupt race baiters that many white CEO’s cringe and give millions in donations to organizations that are fronts for
L.A. County Officially Declares Texas and Florida No Longer Exist
The California Attorney General has now declared the U.S. ONLY consists of thirty States—the other have disappeared in support of the Constitution. Now L.A. County has declared that Florid and Texas-where many Californians are fleeing—does not exist. Just because Board
Study shows eye-popping percentage of S.F. tech jobs are now WFH
What is WFH? It stands for “work from home”, whether home is in San Jose or Billings Montana. For San Fran this is a death sentence if the workers live far from their downtown San Fran offices. The workers will
Father demands accountability after 5 California teenagers attacked and robbed in mall
Los Angeles is almost like a shooting gallery. In a shooting gallery there is a target and a lane in which to shoot. In L.A. no lanes and no specific target—just shoot. “”This morning we woke up and it completely