State of California Owes the Feds $36 BILLION for Unemployment Payment Loans and Graft

We will know shortly if two bills pass the Democrat owned Legislature.  One would give strikers, people who voluntarily REFUSE to work, unemployment checks.  The second would give illegal aliens, law breakers who have no paid a dime into the

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Despite Budget Deficits, CA Legislators Poised to OK Pay Raises for Most State Workers

The State has a $32 billion deficit.  Thanks to the decline in tax dollars, that deficit will continue to grow, But, when unions finance your election, you must repay.  For instance, the prisoner guard union is getting $1 billion a

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Bakersfield School:  We Closed it—Now students won’t come back—40% absentee rate

This sentence in the article says it all, “”COVID didn’t help because kids stopped coming to school,” she said.” COVID did not stop the kids from coming to school.  Fascist Fauci, the unions and haters of children stopped the kids

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