Newsom Assures New Phone Alert System For Black People Will Be ‘Separate But Equal’

Gavin Newsom is the most openly racist Governor in America since George Wallace.  Even the kidnapping of children and the State response is based on race—NOT the safety of the child. “”We’ve designed this to separate them from the rest

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Colleges Are Dropping ACT, SAT Requirements: A Look at Schools That Don’t Use Test Scores

Why are government schools dropping standardized tests?  Because they are showing the failure of government schools.  So, if we do not take tests we can pretend our schools are successes.  Of course, in the business world, employers are finding applicants

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College Students Backtrack on Hamas, Rush to Hide Connections and Pro-Hamas Statements

The terrorist sympathizers on our college campus have no problem bullying and assaulting other students who support freedom.  But, they do not want to lose their chance for big jobs and hug salaries.  So, now they are backtracking on their

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